Blood, Guts And Gore. Part 2.

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OK so maybe this one is ideally for people with a strong stomach and someone who likes horrors. Please enjoy and try not to have nightmares. I DID WARN YOU.

Gerard's POV

So the night fell upon us and we all sat in the living room. We put a film on. Me and Frank were sat in the middle of the sofa, Mikey was at the end (my side) and Ray was at the other end side (Frank's side.) The film was for three hours.

Here I thought this might help. I explain how horrible the film is. The psychopathic murderer was stood down a dark ally. A youngish man went down the ally way not know what was to come. He was whistling. All of a sudden the psychopathic murderer stuck his knife in at the bottom of the mans stomach till all you could see was the handle. He slowly pulled the knife up the body, unseeming him. Blood pouring everywhere and his insides falling out. He fell to the ground dead. The  psychopathic murderer kneels down beside him. He started ripping his body apart starting with the inside of his stomach. He broke his ribs and pulled them out and his liver and lungs and kidney. Then he moved on to the face. He cut out his tongue and his eyes. 

I won't go on anymore, well I can't Mikey got to scared and switched it of. Don't blame him because although I like horrors this one was very creepy. I just hope no-one has nightmares. 

"Are you OK Mikey?" Ray asked. Mikey had his head in his knees and a pillow in his hands. "Is it off." Most of Mikey's words were not even audible but we understood him. "Well you should know Mikes you turned it off." I informed him.

As Mikey stood up he knocked over a glass. We heard fast footsteps coming down the stairs. "What's going on. Michael have you smashed another glass?" Mother doesn't seem happy. She said Mikey's full name. "Sorry mum it was wasn't my fault. And DON'T USE MY FULL NAME." Mikey's is even more mad and mum is grunting her teeth. Mikey got even more mad with what she says. "I'll use your full name is I want to Michael James Way." Yep mum is tired.

Mikes swung for her but luckily Frank grabbed him before he could hit her. Mum slapped him, Mikey pinched Franks hand and ran of. "That was a bit harsh mother." I snapped at her and she growled at me. I hate it when my mother hits my brother. Even worse he swung for his own mother but can you blame him. That is Mikey's dark side and I don't think anyone wants to see that again.

Mum went back to bed. This is why mothers don't come with you and your friends on holiday. She is a very light sleeper but luckily she was a sleep while we was watching that film. We went to bed after my mother. 

"I'm just gonna check on Mikey." I told Frank. He nodded. When I walked into Mikes room he was on the bed crying silently. "He there Buddy. You OK?" I asked and he nodded. "Do me a favour Gee? Tell Frank I'm sorry about his hand?" He look like a little kid. He is a little kid in my eyes. I nodded and gave him a hug. 

"Is he OK?" Frank asked while laid on the bed. "Yeah he's fine. He said sorry about your hand." I went and sat next to him. Frank smiled as if to say 'it's OK'. I looked at his hand. It was just red but Mikey's nips really hurt. Trust me, I've had experience. "Night guys." Ray bobbed his head in and smiled. Me and Frank said goodnight to him. 

Half way through the night I was woken up with someone screaming. I sat up and found Frank on the floor screaming like a girl. I turned the lamp on and walked over to him. I woke him up and he sat straight up headbutting me. "Oops sorry Gee."

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