Three tales of chemical romance = My Chemical Romance.

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Mikey's POV

I miss having Geebear and RayRay around. Although the year has gone by really quickly. I'm in my last year with Frank and Bob.

It took me a while to convince Gerard but I finally got a job at  Barnes and Novel which if you didn't know it is like a library. It was round about 5:30. I grabbed a novel out at random and it it said 'ecstasy: Three Tales Of Chemical Romance. When I saw that name it reminded me of the conversation e and the others were having last weekend


"You know what would be so awesome? Forming a band because you have Gee, the singer. Bob the drums. Ray the guitarist along with me. And Mikey the bassist." Frank said. He wasn't drunk or stoned so we knew he was being serious.

We all shared the same look before smiling. "But what would we name the band?" Gerard asked.

~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~

I finished my job and went straight home. When I got home it was 7:45

"Mikey. Oh my god, Mikey. I was getting worried about you. Where have you been." Gerard asked hugging me tight. "Work." I told him. "And I have a really good name for the band." I added. He looked up at me. "Share." He said.

"My Chemical Romance. I got it from a book called Ecstasy: Three Tales Of Chemical Romance. Then I decided to take way Three Tales Of and put My there." I told him. He looked happy. 

He got out his phone. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Telling the others and seeing what they think. I think it's a really good name. How lucky am I to have a brother like you. With brains. But That's not the only reason I love you Mikes." Gerard said. He whispered the last bit.

~~~~5 Minutes later~~~~~

"I'm hungry. I'm gonna make some toast." I told Gee. He quickly shot up and went to the kitchen. He turned the toaster on and put toast in it. He wouldn't let me anywhere near it. I don't know why.

'Beep, Beep Beep.' Gerard's phone went of letting him know he had three messages. When the toast was finished he got a plate and out the toast on it and handed it to me.

"Well they like the name and they think it would go great with the band. Oh and I made the toast so you don't put a fork in there again. Like you did the other 8 times." Gerard said. I could help but laugh at the last bit. I was happy the others liked the name.

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