(this is my first time please dont judge. warning: lots of swearing lol)
EDIT: this fanfic is bad at the start but it gets good at like idk chapter 10+ trust meLuz was sat in a field. Alone. The field was in the middle of nowhere and it was just her - trying to revise for her upcoming exams. Keyword: trying. Sat there for approximately 2 hours she had literally done fuck all. She had to do well in this exam - if she didn't well it would result in two outcomes: working in a shitty 9-5 job with barely any pay, or going back to live with Edalyn - an old hag. Rubbing her temples she sighed deeply and picked up her Iphone 8 with cracks everywhere. What was the point of this? Luz has never been clever at anything. Just mediocre and a dork.
Thinking deeply, Luz decided that she will try on the exams, and become a multi-millionaire badass and get rid of apple juice, replace it with orange juice. She never liked apples - a C tier fruit at best. However, she fucking loved tomatoes. Just the feeling when you chomp down on the tomatoes. Sweet and supple, juice overflowing in your mouth. Nothing beats that orgasmic feeling of tomatoes. (sorry i just love tomatoes).
Anyways, enough tomato talk. Need to get serious on the revision.
Pen to paper. Eyes to book. Mind focused. Nothing will stop her, not a single thing will phase her-
"AaaaH!" Luz yelled in complete and utter shock. Hands shakey she picked up the phone and it read: "EDALYN The Old Fart". Eda was a very cunning.. person. She thinks, Eda always makes jokes about being a witch but it isn't real. Eda took Luz in when she was young - after being "left in a fruit box" in front of the now Owl Cafe. Luz made jokes about hating her, but really she was glad. Still in the shock, Luz made her best upbeat attitude and answered responding:"Yes?"
"Luz! It is really busy at the cafe and I would really appreciate if you would- NO KING DON'T TOUCH THE SOCK!" Eda shouted the last words in utter panic. Whats so wrong about the brick hard sock.
"Yeah okay I get it, I'll be back in a minute.. maybe." Luz sighed looking at the time. It was noon now, she's wasted the day already. Well at least its time to get payed... minimum wage!
Quickly she got up and rushed to her tiny ass red car. Lobbed her stuff in the passenger seat, put on a seatbelt and started driving. The overwhelming scent of cigarettes and bonfire menacingly surrounded the car. Luz liked to smoke - but only a little bit. Naturally the sickening scent from her jacket and beanie passed on to the poor ass car. Luz liked to think of the smell of the car as only a thing to be proud of. Why? Fuck knows.
The drive to Eda's owl cafe was half an hour away - not that far Luz thought to herself. The forests that surrounded the place were beautiful to say the least - Luz's ADHD often allowed her to get lost in the nature and then lost in other things. She made it to the owl cafe at last.
She exited her car and saw the huge clutter of cars parked outside the tiny cafe. What was the special occasion? Anyways, she got in and quickly got into the back, where Eda told her to go and take EVERYTHING there was to different customers. 3 latte's to table 1, a black coffee and a bagel to table 2, table 3, 4, and 5 all wanted 4 chai's and waffles generously covered with Muttela and Naple Syrup. (not typos btw). Hurriedly Luz went and gave things to said tables. Table 2 had only 1 person in it, some shady mint-haired gal with huge dark rings around her eyes. That must be why she wanted the coffee. Well, she is cute so Luz might hit on her later.
"Luz!!" Eda called out to her from the back.
"Yes..?" She responded quieter.
"Come to the back sweetie! It is important!"Slowly Luz went to the back and Eda was smiling sheepishly at her while sweating with a red bandana on. "So Luz, I know you have been struggling in school - I don't blame you, school sucks ass." Luz frowned at Eda when she said that, she sort of liked school.. when it wasn't hard. Which was rare to be honest.
"Anyways, I've brought it upon myself to hire you a tutor!" Eda said enthusiastically, expecting Luz to be overjoyed.
"No need. I've got it, thanks Eda." Luz responded swiftly. The idea of some stuck up smart shit telling her how to find x pained her. She doesn't need someone to baby her when she gets it wrong. She doesn't need anybody other than her own braincells and the mentality of a dolphin."Too late kid! She is at the front of the cafe, table 2 I think. Her name is Amity - weird green hair. She's a smart kid so I hate her but she said she would help you." Edalyn said happily.
Her eyes perked up when Eda said table 2. The cutie at the second table is a huge geek? Regardless, this will be a drag - some stuck up girl to teach me how to find x. All I want is to find where my e(x) is so I can get my hatchet dirty. Well, who knows - I might get along with them.
This could be interesting - or boring as shit. Who knows what will happen, totally no romantic relationship between the two, no plot holes or anything right?
Amity's POV.
I was supposed to be meeting some "Luz Noceda" today to tutor. Apparently she goes to the same school as me, never seen her. Eda the owner of the Owl Cafe called me up as I am the top student - to ask (beg) for me to help her kid out with school. Well it has been an hour and nobody is here. I should probably leave sooner or later. I bit into the bagel - getting lost in bagel-y thoughts like "who the fuck made this bomb-ass bagel?".
I slowly took a long sip of my black coffee. It tasted terrible but it helped me get ready for the day. I needed it. For the past few days sleep has not been good, I've averaged 3 hours per night because of my new found anime addiction. Because of this, I appear to have survived the Walking Dead - at least I am still smoking hot. I smirk as I think for a second.
I wiped off the bagel crumbs off my midnight-black crop-top with a picture of Jolyne Kujo placed perfectly in the middle. I had black plants on with small rips on them, but it was still wearable so win some lose some y'know y'know? My hair looked like a lion's mane - mint green with forest-brown roots. Recently I've been bold so I got some ear piercings and I think it looks pretty coolio if I say so myself.
Busy eating my bagel and giving the reader a description about myself, I heard the loud THUD from the opposite side. I quickly chugged the black coffee and turned around slowly; just to be faced with 6 foot 1 giant of a girl. Wearing a worn-out red beanie which reeked the scent of bonfire and ashes. Menacing smile, dull eyes.
"You are?" I begin asking the giant opposite me.
"Luz. Luz Noceda. You may be..?" She responded casually - not blinking.
"Oh. You are the one I am tutoring. It's Amity, Amity Blight. Im assuming you already know who I am, what we will be doing and how all the information you need for this exam will reach your head?" I responded quickly and sternly to the Noceda with no intentions of friendly conversation.
"Jeez not much of a light chatter aye Blight? Loosen up a bit, plus all the information I need I already have." The latina responded, still maintaining eye contact with me.
"Then why am I being payed to tutor you then, Noceda? Or are you tutoring me, golly who knows?" I respond unamused with her, slowly leaning in.
"Well I happen to be very knowledgeable in Shakespeare, my fair Juliet. You know, true course of love never did run smooth. Neither did your hair brush when you combed your hair because jesus christ minty it is a mess." Luz responded, the last part with a smug grin that covered her face.
"Oh dear Romeo, enlighten me. Perhaps I should enlighten you." I quickly leaned back and put one leg over the other. "I will be the one teaching you and you will listen to me. Bye bye now." I got up and grabbed a note, placed it on the latina's beanie and exited the cafe.
She seems dull, well at least I am getting paid to do this. Might as well go back to the dorms and catch up on JoJo, part 6 is coming soon and I need to be informed before it. (go watch JoJo, a lot of references will be in here.)
1545 words. i'll try to edit these to see if i can improve. posts will be longer (i hope) and more enjoyable.

minty-haired devil - beta lumity
Fanfiction══ "you steal everything from me, the beat from my heart, the breath from my lungs, the thoughts from my mind, - yet i only want you to steal more." ══ luz, a failing student at hexside needs to get her grades high enough to be able to graduate, so...