Troublesome Truth (Extra Chapter)

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A/N: The next addition to our little side story. Make sure to enjoy :)


Troublesome Truth

I was helping a lot more these days. Occasionally I would be called into battle, my skill set being used to help wipe out a particularly difficult patch of demons. Due to that I was labelled as Bloodstained Ellie, as I was usually at the worst of the worst. However I was mainly a healer.

All of the soldiers that came to me with injuries were all back on the battlefield within a week. Arms, legs, torsos and even heads were healed effectively, and over time I learned to stomach the gore of battle. 

Of course I was kept far away from the actual battles when not needed - I was too valuable to lose - so I often stayed back at the main camps to heal any that were lucky enough to make it in time.

I was kept alone. Isolated from the terrors and downsides of war. Blinded.

Instead I was busied and made to smile. Made to act as a beacon of hope like so many of the other healers here. However even they were sent into the heat of battle to assist when things grew dire. It wasn't often, but it was something, and that small freedom was something I wanted to feel more regularly. 

I want to know what it is like to do something worthwhile. I wanted to prove to my people that I am worthy of being the Deity's daughter. That I was someone besides my birthright.

However that chance wouldn't seem to come as long as my mother was around.

Releasing a sigh, I place back the bandages I had been using for my latest patient. It was another with clipped wings, meaning there would still be some bleeding and tenderness for a couple of days. 

The attacks just seemed to be getting worse and worse at this point. Wings were mainly targeted and there was gossip going around of a demon who ate Goddess wings. He called them a 'rewarding treat' for his hard labour. To us it was a sickening nightmare.

Imagine it. Having your wings ripped off your back and hearing the bones crunch as someone ate them. Think of having to get through the pain of losing a limb so that you could run away with your life, or even stand a chance at fighting against them. The blood loss was sure to have you feeling dizzy and there wouldn't be enough energy to heal yourself if you wanted to run or fight. 

It was an entirely depressing situation, and so I made sure to smile for all that came to me with clipped wings. I wanted them to feel happy to have survived.

To be happy to have lived.

"Thank you, Lady Elizabeth," My latest patient, Jonah, wore a grateful smile as he felt the area where his wings had grown back. 

He was close to death when they had brought him here, but I had managed to save him. Just like so many others who were brought to the expert healer, Lady Elizabeth. Whether as a healer or strategic weapon, I was more or less a vital tool for the Goddess race at this point more than an individual.

"I'm sure I would've died if you weren't here," His voice had gone quiet, his thoughts most likely drifting to those terrible moments. Such terrible moments to live through.

"Oh...don't mention it," A light blush covers my features as once again I'm met with gratitude. I give him a smile as I make my way towards the exit. "Make sure to get some rest, ok?"

A nod and soon I was on my way towards the edge of the camp. It was nightfall, the hours in which we were weaker in power and the demons stronger. 

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