Concerned Comrade (Extra Chapter)

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Concerned Comrade

"Elizabeth can we talk?"

I turn to see Mael, his usually calm and collected demeanor seeming a little off today. As usual he's within his armor, the crest of our clan standing out more than ever as it catches in the daylight. He looks at me with softened eyes, brows crinkled slightly as he catches me by the wrist in the hall.

It had been a while since Mael and I had actually spoken, him being busy with Archangel duties and me occupied with my 'inspirational speeches' as well as secretly meeting Meliodas. As a result we rarely crossed paths these days, one of us arriving while the other was coming back. Something that was actually pretty odd because we used to see each other quite often, our friendship preserved despite the distance created from growing up.

So of course I had no objections to talking to him now. Mael was one of my oldest friends. But something about the way he approached me today made my stomach sink slightly, the timing and place only jolting my nerves towards feeling guilty.

"Yes, of course," I nod, easily turning as he releases my arm. I lace both my hands together, placing them before me. "What about?"

"Well, I've noticed you've disappeared a lot recently," Mael began, his tone seeming a little sheepish as he reached to scratch the back of his neck. A bashful smile forms as he speaks, confusing me all the more. "Especially to the old structures that are left over. I know it's none of my business, but I'm concerned. What could you even be doing there?"

An internal sigh escapes, the sinking feeling growing worse as I force myself to look him in the eye. However it was a bad move, my stomach only twisting into tight little knots as I try not to gulp or spew verbal diarrhea.

Of course someone had noticed my disappearances by now, I knew it was inevitable, but of course it had to be Mael. The most powerful Archangel, demon slaying and by the book Mael. He was one of the few people that always checked for my well being, concern for my safety being a number one duty. Not to mention he was always vigilant towards the 'demon problem'. 

It wasn't too surprising to know that my 'disappearances' were now known to him. I mean I had been sneaking out to meet Meliodas for a while now, long enough for it to have seemed like I've been doing it for ages. Plus I'd be gone for long periods at a time, no-one being able to locate me while I was out.

But that also meant I had prepared for this already.

So of course I had an answer ready, the response already formed from hours of mental practice. Well, practice and some pointers from Meliodas: he said I was a terrible liar and it was pretty true. 

I wasn't capable of lying convincingly at all. It was always obvious and no-one could ever believe me even when I did a small 'white-lie'. But thankfully, Meliodas gave me some pointers on how to successfully tell a lie, although it did need some work.

But now was a time to test it more than ever.

"Oh, well that's because I find nature as an escape," The lie easily slips from my tongue, a sweet smile accompanying it as I rock on my heels. "Flowers, birds, even the odd animal: there's all sorts living in the old structures."

Mael blinks at my response, seeming stunned but also not protesting at all. Instead he double-checks, brows knitting slightly as he looks at me.

"Nothing else?" The words leave slow and steady, almost as if checking something. He also looks directly at me as he says this, waiting for a response as he remains professional and yet cautious. Firm and yet also yielding. 

This was unsettling for me, but also something I had been taught to easily brush aside. My old teachers always told me to not succumb under pressure and to instead act because of it.

"No, not much else," I give a firm nod, smile still in place as I look at him. 'Just talking to the enemy. One of the worst of the enemy...'

As I think the last few sentences, I can't help but feel guilt spike at my gut. It bubbles and knots, sitting there in my stomach as I attempt to swallow and try not to bite my lip. 

In fact it's a struggle not to do that, my own eyes trying to maintain contact as I don't want the lie to become exposed. However the guilt seems to get even worse as Mael casts a look at me, almost like hidden hurt, as he releases a sigh and simply shakes his head.

"Well, be careful anyway," The Archangel speaks in a slightly hurried tone, the look still upon his features. "There's been a lot of demon attacks close to the Gate recently. You know how you get sometimes."

"Yes, of course," I nod, still smiling despite the guilt building up in my system. It's thick enough to clog my throat, but I shove it back down, keeping the smile in place despite the tears that threaten to bubble in my eyes. My arms instinctively go behind my back, hands constantly fiddling as I keep smiling.

Satisfied, Mael then turns to leave, however my hand landing on his shoulder stops his exit. "But are you ok, Mael? Is something on your mind?"

He turns to face me at that, features softening and mouth opening slightly and then closing. He then shakes his head once more, sighing and gently removing my hand from his shoulder. It lingers for a moment, but then leaves my own, the look of hurt now hidden and a small smile replacing it as he fondly pats me on the head.

"Oh, it's nothing," Mael responds lightly, his grin doing nothing to dissuade me of the hurt I had spotted.

"Nothing could be something," I tried again, hinting heavily as I look at him. A hand now rests on his upper arm, concern mixing with guilt as I look at one of my few friends here in the Realm of Goddesses. However that concern is brushed aside with a simple smile, Mael insistent that nothing is wrong.

"It's definitely nothing," He once again removed my hand, offering another soft smile. "Just be careful Elizabeth."

With that Mael walked away, the sound of his footsteps filling the hall as I could only watch his retreating form. His retreating, shrinking form. Mael had said he was ok, he said that nothing happened; he insisted that nothing had happened. 

However the look in his eyes said differently. Much differently. Where his words didn't speak, his body language and emotions did. I could see the pain hidden within his expression and it could only cause the guilt I carried to bubble and snake about all the more.

'Soon I'll be able to explain it all...'

Releasing a sigh, I then headed in the opposite direction to him, guilt only building as I wondered what could've possibly bothered Mael. As I wondered what he could've possibly seen.

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