Closing Charade (Extra Chapter)

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A/N: We're nearing the end now! This is the penultimate mini chapter and also the build up to the 'final showdown'. I'm getting really excited to write the battle between the two gods and their kids XD


Closing Charade

Wrath. That's all I could think of: pure wrath. It was curling about inside me, bubbling and boiling like a filthy and impure concoction, as I can't help but feel enraged at what Ludociel has done. My frustration and anger can't help but flare at what he has just sacrificed and sullied my name for. 

Ugh! I can just feel the anger thrashing inside me, my usually saintlike patience wearing extremely thin as my hands ball into the tightest fists I've ever thrown them into. My wings are too tense to even tuck, the large and feathered limbs sticking out behind me as I stomp my way through the corridors. 

All eyes turn to me, shock and surprise forming at my reddened face and the low muttering that comes from me, as it is unexpected. It was something many would not expect for me to do: I was calm and docile, delicate and polite. However Ludociel has stepped over a line that I had placed so very far. He has trampled and trodden on something I held very dear. For that I must now let him know how that has affected everything. I must let him know how his prideful prejudice has just cost us peace.

"Ludociel!" The door to the counsel room is slammed open, my form appearing in the gap left by the large double doors I had just thrown aside.

Everyone within the room regards me with shock, stupefaction, their words falling short at the frown upon my face. One person goes to calm me down, but I shoot an icy glare around the room, feeling more like my mother than I have ever before. However I don't care about that. I don't even think about it. All I do is use that gift to my will, the glare only growing harder as I spot the smug Ludociel.

"Why did you kill all those innocent people?" I charge towards him, the heels of my shoes clicking furiously against the floor. My tone is harsh, sharp and emotional, laced with the feelings I can sense swirling inside me. I can feel the tears forming but not falling yet, my anger holding them back. "We were so close to getting an alliance and- "

"Oh, dear Lady Elizabeth," Ludociel cuts me off immediately, the calm and gentle tone of his voice only making me seethe all the more. He wears a reassuring smile, but I know it's really smug. It's really just him pointing out that he knows what he has done. That he knows that my plans for peace are now ruined. Those words only make me hiss lowly as he places a guiding hand on my shoulder, his lidded eyes staring into mine as he bends to meet my height. "It seems you're still deluded as to what this war is really about."

"What do you mean?"

It's then I really look into his eyes. Really look into Ludociel's eyes.

The look in his eyes scares me. Paralyses me. I can't really defeat it or match it, my anger seeming to puff into annoyance as I begin to tremble under Ludociel's gaze. Mentally quake. My frosty glare remains set on my face, however inside I can see that I'm dealing with a force I cannot match just yet. Not when my judgement is clouded with an anger that may very well cost me my victory.

"Look around," Ludociel gestured about the room, but I knew he meant to think about everything. "What do you see?"

"Pointless death, destruction, an angry demon army," I raise a brow, the words coming out in a negative snap. I'm not humoring him at all. I'm making it very clear that I am enraged that he would cross the line he did, massacring all those innocent demons who weren't even involved in the war. "Shall I go on, Ludociel?"

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