Midnight Feasts

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"Looking after them is 'easy', hmm Gustaf?"

Jericho tried to withhold breaking into bouts of laughter as she looked at the scene before her, the expression upon her elder brother's face beyond priceless as he only released a defeated sigh.

It had been exactly an hour, one hour, since the two siblings had made a bet. Gustaf was still pretty angered from earlier in the day, constantly reminding Jericho on how she had skipped meeting with some very important guests for 'babysitting duties'. 

So since Gustaf believed that looking after children was literal child's play, Jericho thought to make him bet upon it, claiming that if he could put the kids to bed in an hour then she would respect his authority more often. However if Jericho herself won, then her brother would have to be more accepting and let-loose towards her ambition to be a knight. Something that Jericho was glad to have bet upon.

The scene Jericho came back to was utter chaos, Gustaf sat in the middle of the room staring and rocking as Ban jabbered on and on. The Fox Sin seemed very unhappy, his tone being extremely serious as he lectured the man. Gowther and Zeal were reading together in a corner, both boys seeming content. From their expressions they were growing rather sleepy, both being the more quiet parties. Elizabeth and Diane had also managed to sneak into the room, both girls adding more work to the pile. Meliodas was entertaining the two stowaways with a game, both girls looking guilty as Jericho walked in. King was trying to help the knight restore order; however the tiny fairy's attempts were for naught, Diane knowing all the ways to sway him.

As a result Jericho knew that she had entered a pretty rowdy room, kids running about as they bashed each other with pillows or threw the odd stuffed animal. King was in the corner, sulking with a blanket over his head as he refused to face the others; and Ban just grinned widely as Gustaf rushed up to greet his sister. However that had gone south very quickly, Jericho trying to withhold chuckles as her brother scowled.

"I guess I stand corrected..." The elder sibling grumbled, a large hand grabbing Ban by the collar of his shirt. The man then passed the child Sin to his sister, frowning as Ban continued to grin. "Here, I believe this is yours."

Jericho scrambled to catch the child as her brother tossed him, grunting slightly as she readjusted his weight. For a kid his size, Ban was pretty heavy; in fact he weighed a lot more than you would think. Funny since he was quite a lean kid.

"Not so fast, Gummy bear," Ban shook his head, tongue clicking mockingly as he looked at the knight. A small hand pointed towards the scowling Gustaf, a huge grin splitting the Fox Sin's features. "You owe your lil sis here an apology."

Gustaf froze at that, his back and shoulders straightening as he was caught red handed. Like with Jericho, Gustaf had decided to make a bet with her impertinent ward, the Fox Sin of Greed Ban. A choice that had proven quite stupid, since the boy was now making sure to collect his payment. A very embarrassing payment.

"I -"

"That's unless you want me to tell her instead~" Ban chuckled, the teasing tone in his voice not at all hidden from the knight.

He was now perched upon Jericho's shoulders, red eyes filled with glee as he watched the frustrated and seething knight. A shit eating smirk couldn't help but form as the boy watched Gustaf's fists tense slightly, fingers curling and uncurling as he sharply breathed in. Ban knew that he was pissing Gustaf off. He was pissing the knight off greatly.


"Very well," The man coughed slightly, turning to face his younger sister and the cheeky Sin. A slight grimace sat on his features, his thick brows set at an angle as a light blush broke onto his face. "I guess you are capable of handling yourself Jericho. I'm-sorry-for-being-so-harsh-on-you."

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