Broken Belialuin (Extra Chapter)

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A/N: Another unexpected mini-chapter. Not even that a whole next-up chapter from the length of it. Geez... This one really sprouted out of nowhere, being the beginning of the next one 'Pros for Peace'. Merlin's introduction really took over a whole section XD.


Broken Belialuin


I can't help but smile as Merlin bounds up to me, all of her previous tears seeming to have dried up with the arrival of the sun. She wore a wide grin on her now chubby face, a small hand waving in excitement as she scrambled towards me. 

From the looks of it you'd never guess that she was completely upset not more than a few hours ago, the river of tears she produced seeming to be never-ending as the seconds ticked on by.

You see Merlin was a special child. With her midnight hair and golden eyes you'd almost think that she was perhaps a fairy of the forest, or perhaps a pixie, but really Merlin was from a city of the most gifted of magic users. A civilization built on the advancement of the past. 

Belialuin it was called; the Capital of the Wizards. Not a day would pass where the people there were not the source of something amazing and eye-capturing. Whether it be explosions of light that made a pretty display or fancy little trinkets that did the most amazing of things, the people of Belialiun and their crafts were always a treat. In fact they never did disappoint.

However I say were as Belialuin was destroyed...

All of its people, all of its wonders and magic were gone. Vanished. Poofed with barely any proof of their existence left. All of it, the wonder and amazement, would never been seen by anyone within this world again. All because of a silly mistake.

My mother had told me that the city's fate was irrecoverable. In fact she told me to dismiss all hope of changing her mind as the decision for its destruction had been made long ago. Long before the betrayal of their prodigy had even occurred. 

No amount of meetings, begging or even offering to find a better and less violent way to punish the people there could save them from the wrath of my mother. Her will was like that of an iron gate and so I couldn't even bend it the slightest.

My mother directly expressed that previously she was going to let the city off with little repercussions for plotting against her. They weren't even going to be sanctioned or anything, just warned not to try it again. 

However the council members had crossed a dire line this time, the usually calm ruler of the Goddess Realm entering a sour mood as she ranted about how they shall all pay for raising someone who would deceive those in power - they would pay for raising someone with no sense of loyalty at all. She even added in that the child would certainly survive, making the fate all the more cruel.

Add in the compliance of the Demon King and everything within my power was suddenly useless. Begging, pleading and even advocating myself to clear up the mess was no longer an option with both powers involved. They only unified for extremely serious occasions after all - that meant this predicament was one of urgency and certainty.

Therefore I could do nothing but watch and pray for those who were caught in the fray, wishing with all my might that maybe, just maybe, someone could survive. That someone would receive news of the terrible storm about to arrive.

So it didn't come as a surprise when I found myself on the outskirts of Belialuin, watching as columns of smoke billowed from jigsawed buildings and uprooted trees.

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