1- secret admirer

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You put on your shoes and walked out of the house and locked your door on the way out, you were a normal liyuenian, you had a flower shop with flowers and plants from all over teyvat. It wasn't the best job to have, but as long as you could buy food and everyday necessities you didn't really care.

you lived alone in a small house in the center of liyue harbor, you hadn't talked with your parents for a long time due to a disagreement you three had, and because of it they kicked you out, leaving you to fend for yourself.
You were also an only child, so you had no one else to help you.

you opened the door of your shop and flipped the sign hanging on the door.


you placed your bag on the counter, and began watering the plants, this was all you did everyday. Wake up, get ready, go to your shop, water the plants and take care of them, wait for customers, sell plants, close the shop, go back home, sleep. And the cycle begins again.

But you didn't mind, as long as you didn't get involved with anything or anyone crazy.

You heard the doorbell that was hanging above the door ring, thinking someone has entered you turned around but was surprised as you saw that no one was there.

Did the door open by itself?

You walked towards it and took a look around, obviously there was no one.

Maybe the wind?

You went back inside and sat down on the chair near the counter, grabbing a book that you have gotten a few days ago, it was silent for a few minutes, until the bell rang again.

you looked up and saw as the door was swinging on its own, you felt a slight chill down your spine, you stood up and walked towards it once again, suddenly it stopped.

What on earth? Is someone playing a prank on me?

You looked around again, people were minding their own business and no one seemed to be paying any attention to you.

You almost went back inside, until you catched a glimpse of orange hair rushing past you, you quickly turned your head but no one was there.

Not a single person with orange hair.

Shit.. Well this isn't creepy..

You carefully examined your surroundings, after you were sure that nothing was wrong you went back inside.

Probably just overthinking it..


He watched her from afar, his dark, ocean eyes locked on her, Not once have he felt something like this.

His heart was racing, in a weird way, he never felt this was towards a girl.

He has not even spoken to her once in his life, so why?

Why does he feel that way? Why does he feel the need to embrace her and never let go? Why does he feel the need for her to love him?

she's something, someone he's never seen anything like before. She was ethereal, a goddess, she was as beautiful as the moon.

god, he just can't stop thinking about her.

The way her lips move, the way she sways her hips, the way she smiles, the way she's so gentle.

He needs her.

He needs EVERY bit of her.

She's already his.

She just doesn't know it yet.

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