4- at fault?

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Warnings: strong language, blood, death, gore???, obsession, stalking.

That night you couldn't sleep, no matter how hard you tried.
You were terrified.

Who could possibly climb through your window? When the outside of the window was a cliff, it was high, too high for a regular person to climb.

You sat on your bed, fiddling with your fingers nervously, you were a complete mess, your eyes were puffy and red, dark eyebags underneath, your hair all messy. Your room was brightened by a candle that you had lit, it was sitting on your desk. The dim light from behind the curtains of the window supporting  the light.

What am i supposed to do?..

The mililith? They'd probably think I'm crazy, I mean, the cliff is so high, it'd be a death wish if someone tried to climb it.. Shit..

Maybe, zhang wei will let me stay at his place for a bit?

You slowly got off your bed, walking over to your closet and taking out clothes for outside, you closed the windows and curtains, stripped, then quickly put on your outside clothes.
You put out the candle, grabbed your keys and left the house in a hurry, locking it.

you walked through the streets of the harbor, your hands hiding in your pocket, you kept thinking of the intruder, who it might be and what they want, it scares you, it really really, scares you.  You just wanted to get to zhangwei quickly, ask him to stay at his place and whatever happens after.

As you continued walking, you noticed a crowd of people, they all had horrified, worried, angry and upset expressions on their faces. you stopped walking, and stood there, staring at them. They circled something that was in the corner, you could even hear slight crying and whining coming from there.

"poor boy.. Who could've done this?"
A voice said among the crowd.

"Who'd do such a cruel thing?"
Another one said.

"Killed in cold blood.. What lead to this?"

Killed? Someone was killed? Now you were really intrigued, but at the same time you were horrified, where the fuck was the mililith?
You slowly began walking towards the crowd.
You were scared, but curiousity got the best of you.

"Does anyone recognize the victim?"

"I don't know his name.. But he was a mailman, I saw him around often.."

You froze.

A mailman?

It's just a coincidence.

Nothing to worry about.

It's okay.

it's not him.

Your heart began racing, not in a good way, your hands began shaking again, and your eyes widened.

I have to make sure.

Just as you were about to walk closer, the sound of the mililith rushed in, They hurried towards the crowd and they all split up, opening up the way, and the view.

Oh fuck.

Oh no.

No no no no no no no..

Your hand shot over your mouth, your other one gripped your shirt, You felt the tears that had been lingering since night come back and form in your eyes once again. That stinging in your throat, that lump.

It shouldn't be like this.

zhangwei was laying in a pool of his own blood, his eyes, his eyes that were bright and full of life and kindness once were now dull, empty and lifeless.

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