9- suspicion.

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You walked in streets of the Harbour, your mind constantly going back to your old house, the letters, the attacks.

you couldn't live with Childe forever, maybe it was even foolish of you to trust a stranger so easily, but after he was murdered just like that, you were afraid you were gonna be next.

your eyes darted to the dark sky covered in stars, maybe you could leave liyue, go to mondstadt or somewhere else, far from here.

Perhaps even snezhnaya.

as you crossed the bridge, you noticed how empty the Harbour was, was it because of the cold?

In the corner of your eye you caught a black figure moving, before you could turn your head completely you were knocked to the ground harshly, the air knocked out of your lungs.

You darted your eyes to the person, and it was them.

They used a hand to hold up your wrists above your head, and in the other one they held a sharp blade, which you were sure was gonna be thrusted into you.

Your flight or fight kicked in, and you began screaming and thrashing beneath them, they raised the blade, and you panicked.

You lifted your knee and hit them in the groin, they grunted and it was definitely a man.

They let go of your wrists for a moment and you took your chance, grabbing their hand that was holding the knife and thrusting it in the ground, pushing them off of you with all your strength.

Your body was Trembling, and you stumbled as you struggled to get back on your feet.

You heard the blade swing and when you turned around, you were met with a blaze of fire missing you by an inch.

The stalker was pushed back, and you looked towards your savior.

Your eyes locked with bright green ones, with an angry look to them.

"(Y/N)! Get behind me!" Thoma yelled to you, and you quickly scrambled on your feet and hovered to him, not looking back at the attacker.

He grabbed your hand gently and you almost felt safe, But then strong arms wrapped around you from behind and you pulled you back, you didn't even hear them. You could've sworn thoma pushed them far back.

He put an arm around your torso, holding you in your place, while holding a knife next to your neck with the other.

Panic set in thoma, he watched as you struggled in the stalker's grasp, desperately pulling your neck away from the knife.

"What do you want? Money?" Thoma asked, He wasn't expecting anyone else to come here, someone else that's qualified to fight. He was just taking a stroll when he saw you, so no one's looking for him.

He knew not to do anything reckless, he has seen one or two moves from this guy and he was quick and swift with them, he might be strong, stronger than thoma. So the most he can do is distract him so you don't get hurt.

The stalker did not answer, simply shaking his head 'no'. Thoma asked another question.
"Then what do you want?"

The man tilted his head, his face was covered by a dark red mask with a hood covering his head.

Thoma was about to speak again, but then you lunged your head backwards, right into the stalker's face.

He grunted and let go of you, you nearly fell again, but you forced your shakey legs forward and ran towards thoma.

Thoma quickly held his arms out to you and grabbed you, putting you behind him protectively, his weapon in hand.

You felt the tears that were forming finally fall, and your trembling hand on your mouth. You were terrified.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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