3- getting watched.

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you woke up from a cold wind brushing against you, you rubbed your eyes and got in a sitting position, you looked towards your window and saw that it was open, you were certain that you closed it last night, why was it open?

You got up on your feet and went towards it, before closing it, you peeked outside and saw no one, the sun was rising just as of now, so it was pretty earlier in the morning.

Having that your sleep was disturbed and could not go back to sleep, you decided to get ready earlier today.

You brushes your teeth, ate breakfast, did your hair, and dressed up. you grabbed your bag and went out of your house, locking the door on the way out.

getting ready had taken some time, you walked on the streets of the harbor, barely anyone around, the only people were those who's jobs were very important, such as the people working in the qixing, yet you, who worked a lame job, was up at this early.

not long after, you felt as if a pair of eyes were watching you, you tensed up, you kept your gaze on the ground as it got uncomfortable.

you frantically looked around, to find who's looking at you, as expected there was no one.

But you could still feel it.

you fastened your steps, Walking away from that place as fast as possible, you didn't stop until you reached your shop.

You slumped on the chair behind the desk, a long aight escaping your lips.

You were just panicking (y/n)..just panicking.

You tried to reassure yourself, taking deep, slow breaths, after you calmed down, you took out another book that you had bought from your bag and began reading.

A few minutes has passed, and the bell above the entrance finally rang.

You looked up and felt your heart skip a beat upon seeing those orange locks.

It was that same fatui guy, he seemed to have come in in a hurry, his hair and clothes were wet, you hadn't even realized that it was raining outside.

You quickly got up from your seat, you grabbed the towel that you had bought yesterday for emergencies like this, but you didn't expect to use it on this guy.

You handed him the towel and rushes over to the door to close it, to prevent the cold from coming in, least thing you wanted was for him to catch a cold in YOUR shop.

"Are you alright?" you spoke softly, walking back to him.

"Yes thank you- I apologize for just coming in like that, it's just that the rain got heavy quick and I didn't have an umbrella." he finishes with a chuckle at the end.


"Don't worry about it." you replied, a small smile on your face.
"I'm sorry I don't have anything to warm you up.."

"No no it's fine, your shop is already warm inside!" he smiled brightly, after he finished drying himself up even a bit, he handed the towel back to you, and you placed it in a basket that was specifically for clothings, well more like random stuff such as a hat that you forgot about or a jacket that was just there.

you turned around and saw him staring at some flowers that you've gotten from snezhnaya.

The violet flower seemed to have caught his eye.

"These flowers are called Crocus speciosus, they're one of the rarest flowers from snezhnaya." you added.

"How much are they?" he inquired, turning to face you with a soft smile.

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