7- bitter lies.

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It was splendid.

You were slowly falling into his hands.

And you had absolutely no idea of it.

Childe'a happiness was over the moon. Right now, he was the only person that can  you, considering how bad your situation is.

He is the only one that you trust now, you have no one else but him.

That has been his goal since the beginning.

And he has achieved it now.

Everything is going splendidly.

Yesterday, you finally showed your vulnerable side to him. After you had broken down in front of him, you spoke to him about the stalker, the letters, and he listened to you carefully, he comforted you and offered his help.

And you accepted it.

It wasn't easy for you to accept, and that slightly irritated him. But he understood why, he's not very close to you and you're a cautious woman who's careful with who she talks with.

And he respected that.

Now that you're completely within his reach, there's no way of getting out of it. No way of leaving him.

*flash back*

"(Y/n), do you trust me?" childe asked with a serious tone.

"I.. I trust you childe, but-- I just can't tell you this." you looked down, avoiding his gaze.

"(Y/n).." your name rolled off his tongue in a tone you couldn't figure out, was it guilt? Pity? Kindness? Or pleasure?
"I can help you."

But how?

"How would you help me? The situation- the situation is just something.. Very terrible." you shook your head.

"I'll help you, I just need you to trust me." he cupped your cheek with one hand and your eyes slighty widened at the sudden touch.
"What is it that's bothering you?"

Are you gonna tell him? If he says he can help you, maybe he could? Maybe he can actually do something to make the letters and the stalker stop?

You took in a deep breath, reluctantly, you locked eyes with him.
"I'll tell you, I'll tell you-- everything."

He smiled in satisfaction, he walked back to the door and flipped the sign to 'closed'.
He came back to you and pulled your train and gestured for you to sit down.

You did as he wanted, you sat on the chair and fiddled with your fingers.

He leaned back against the wall next to you.
"Now, from the very beginning, if you want."

"This may sound crazy but... There's this person, that I don't think I've ever seen, stalking me.." you breathed in and looked up at childe, his eyes widened and his lips parted.

"A stalker? What happened?" he calmly asked.

"I'm not sure how long it has been.. But the first time I noticed it, was when i was walking on the streets of the harbour and.. I just felt- I just felt like someone was watching me."  you recalled that moment and you shivered.

Childe nodded, motioning for you to continue.

"At first I didn't think much of it, but then i kept feeling it.. Again, and again, and again, and again."

Childe's eyes narrowed at you.

So she's known since the start?.. How cute.

"I tried to ignore it so many times but then came the-" you paused, should you mention the letters?

"The what?" childe inquired curiously, you swallowed a lump in your throat.

"-the worse part of the stalking." you sweat dropped, deciding to leave out the letters, you didn't know why, but your gut feeling was telling you to keep it a secret.

"I see, please continue." he hummed.

You nodded. " some nights I woke up with my Windows open, it was really strange... One night, when i tried to go to sleep, my window opened and someone.." you stopped mid sentence as you felt that lump forming in your throat again as tears pricked at the corner of your eyes.

Childe was suddenly kneeling infront of you, he took your hands in his and gave them a gentle squeeze as he smiled softly.

"It's okay..take your time."

The gesture made your heart skip a beat. You took in a deep breath again, and exhaled.

"The stalker came inside my home, I was- I was pretending to be asleep, they came closer- and I felt their hand on my face.." your hand reached up to your face, Carrassing the area that the stalker touched.

"Ever sinc that night, I haven't been able to sleep properly! And with zhang Wei's murder- I'm sure who ever that stalker is, they did that to zhang wei too!" your voice broke as the tears spilled, continuously falling one after another.

Childe's hand came up to your face, gently wiping the tears away as he gave you a kind genuine smile.

"I have a proposal, (y/n)."

"Wh-what is it?" you sniffled.

"Until we catch this stalker and find out their identity, why don't I rent you a place to stay?"

"You don't have to do that.. I don't want to trouble you. "  you hastily declined, there was no way you could bother him with such thing.

"Nuh-uh, I insist." he stood up and offered you his hand, in which you took.

"Now! Let's go and find your new place to stay, yeah?" he grinned brightly as he wiped your tears away, earning a small smile from you.


*flash back dramatically ends*

You were currently staying at the northland bank, where he could keep a close eye on you.

Any other hotel and motel, he has ordered his agents to tell the keepers to not allow you in, and has lied to you about there being any more room.

It was all going perfectly, just as he has planned.

From the very start.


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