8- thoma.

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The room that Childe has gotten you was quiet fancy.
There was a king sized bed, a big window with curtains made with expensive silk.

The room was well decorated, and very clean. In the corner of the room was a huge wardrobe, with numerous fancy and expensive clothes.

The room looked like it had been prepared for a long time.

Just waiting for the right person.

You were truly grateful, to have gotten such a wonderful place to stay and having to pay little to No price of money at all.

Maybe things were starting to turn around.

Or maybe not.

After you had began staying with Childe, You have noticed something..strange.

At work or any other time, if a guy approached you, with ill intentions or kind, he would ignore you and run away from you. Trying to avoid you at all costs.

Even some started disappearing without a trace.

Was this your fault?

Was this your stalker in action?

There you are, sitting on your chair in your shop, letting the thoughts eat you up.

And the same bell rang again, knocking you out of your thoughts.

The sudden noise made you flinch and you immediately looked up. Your eyes met bright green ones and your mouth fell agape.

A young man stood at the entrance, his messy blond hair tied up in a pony tail by a red cord with tassels fading to tan at the end.

His outfit is a fusion of Western-style attire with parts of samurai armor. He wears a decorative, red and black cropped jacket over a black shirt, along with a pair of silver dog tags hanging around his neck. The buttoned cuffs of his gold-trimmed kote-like sleeves are patterned with a fleur-de-lis design. He wears a black metal headband on his head

Interesting choice of clothing.

He wears a Pyro Vision on his belt, in addition to a kusazuri (tassel) adorned with flaming Kamisato Clan crests on the other hip. The same crest is marked on the poleyns of his boot-laced suneate (shin guards) with tabi shoes. He also has small, red studded earrings.

"Welcome!" You chimed as you stood up, a bright smile on your face.

"Thank you! I apologize for frightening you there.." he nervously rubbed the back of his neck as his cheeks grew a rosey color.

"You didn't frighten me, do not worry. What are you looking for?" You maintened a sweet tone, walking up to him.

"Heh..these flowers are all very beautiful!" He chimed as he stared at the numerous different flowers all lined up.

"Indeed, all come from different nations, we have almost everything here!"  You exclaimed.

"Everything? Then.. do you have anything from mondstadt?" His voice faltered for a moment, and he sounded so upset.

"Of course! Over here we have mondstadt's most pleasing flowers." You walked over to a big shelf with mondstadian flowers.

The man stared in awe at them, you could tell he has been wanting to see them since forever.
Something stirred within you as you watched him, you don't know what, but it made you flustered.

"May I ask..why you're looking for mondstadt's flowers?" You shyly inquired, playing with your hands.

Damn it (y/n)! Act professional!

He looked at you with a glint of sadness in his eyes.
"It's quite a long story but.. I come from mondstadt, but I have been staying in inazuma with the yashiro clan since forever. And I have not had a chance to go home yet, to mondstadt.. so I'd like to have something to remind me of home, even a flower will help."

The feeling of homesickness..

"I see..  why don't you take a look at these flowers, I'll get something from the storage room. I'll be right back!" You informed him as you quickly rushed to the storage room.

You didn't know why you were doing this, making a bouquet for him with all the special mondstadt flowers you had. But somewhere in you, you felt great pity for the boy. 

You quickly finished the bouquet, adding the finishing touch with a green ribbon that matched the boy's eyes.

Hopefully, this doesn't come off as weird.

You walked out of the room to find him still staring at the flowers, a sad look remained on his face.

"Hello, I'm back." You announced and turned to you, as his eyes landed on the bouquet in your hands, a surprised expression came on his face.

"What's..that?" He asked softly, pointing at the beautiful bouquet of mondstadtian  flowers you were holding.

"It's a gift, for you. This may look and sound weird, I know." you smiled sheepishly. "But I..whenever someone comes into my shop, a person that has been missing something or someone.. And their way of remembering them is through an object or something related to their past..I just want to make their day, it's a part of me."

Thoma stood there stunned, his lips parted. He reached his hands out to grab the bouquet from you when his fingers brushed against yours. A slight heat covered both of your faces at the sudden skin contact.

He looked at the flowers in his hands, a pleased smile on his face and eyes full of delight. He looked down at you, a pink hue on his cheeks.

"Thank you (y/n). Thank you so much."




A displeased and angered sound came from childe, his jaw clenched as he listened to you and thoma.

There, outside of the shop he stood like a fool, with gifts in his hands, gifts that he bought for YOU.

But of course, someone had to get in his way, AGAIN. It wouldn't be that easy to have you? Would it?

His grip around the gifts tightened and cracking sounds one after another, his eyes darkened as he walked away.

But it's okay.

Thoma..Isn't that much of a threat.

He's just something in Childe's way.

Something that he will get rid of with ease.

Just like he did with all the others.




It's already been decided.

You don't have a say in this.

You don't have a say in this

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