2- letters.

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you sat on the chair behind your desk, reading a book that you had recently bought.
The weather was nice today, it was sunny and warm, no signs of rain. A perfect time for a walk around the harbor.

Maybe I'll close the shop in a bit, I had enough customers today anyway..

You got up and as you did, the bell above the door rang, you looked up and saw the local mailman.

"Ms. (Y/N)?" he called out.

"That's me." You replied and walked over to him, he took out an enveloped letter in his bag with a heart  embedded on it.

"This one is for you." He handed it to you.

"Thanks, who's it from?.." you examined the letter, there was no name on it.

"Ah- sorry, but I don't really know, someone from the fatui gave it to me and gave me an address, I couldn't see there face." He answered with an apologetic face.

"I see..thank you anyway."

he walked back to the door, about to leave, but he glanced back at you, and said.
"By the way..a-are you seeing anyone..?"

His question surprised you, but you answered anyway.
"No, why?"

"Oh goo- I mean no reason! You look really beautiful today by the way.." he stammered.

You warmly smiled at him "thank you zhang Wei, I'll remember that."

"Have a good day ma'am!" He rushed out of your shop in shyness, when he did, a sigh escaped your lips and you looked down at the letter.

You were confused, at first you thought it might've been an apology letter from your parents but that thought was tossed aside when zhang wei mentioned that it came from a fatui.

Why the fatui?

You opened the envelope and took out the paper gently, the hand writing was neat and pretty, it read.

My soul has traveled.
Long and far,
To find yours.

Strange.. But kinda cute??.. I wonder who's it from...

You looked back at the door, feeling the gust of wind brushing past you as zhang wei had left it open.

Zhang wei...

Zhang wei wasn't bad looking, to be honest, you thought he was handsome, he had very dark hair and hazel eyes, he was taller than you and a very kind and good soul, you liked him a lot.

You smiled to yourself and put the letter in your bag, you grabbed your bag, left your shop and locked the door on the way out, a little stroll around the harbor won't hurt.

the sun washed over your skin, the soft wind brushing past you, dragging your gaze across the street, you had noticed that there had been more fatui members than usual.

but one particularly stood out.

He had orange hair and blue eyes, he was also tall and he had a red scar around his shoulder.

Where have I seen that hair before?..

a few moments later, he turned his face to you, and your eyes met.

feeling the heat form on your face you immediately looked away, embarrassed.

He however, had a wave of excitement wash over him, He Felt himself smiling as he saw you look in another direction from shyness, oh how he adored you.

gosh.. Did he notice me looking at him?? So embarrassing!!

you fixed your posture and quickly turned your heel to walk away, that is until you heard a voice call out for you.

"(Y/N)!" the familiar voice rang out through your ears, you turned around and saw zhang wei running towards you, when he reached you he rested his hands on his knees and gasped for air.

"Zhang wei, is something wrong??" you spoke, he looked at you, a red hue on his face, with a nervous expression.

"i-i was wondering.. Are you busy?" he stammered as he dropped his gaze to the ground.

Oh~ I see what this is..

"I'm free right now, how can I help?" you answered in a soft tone, he played with his hands for a bit and finally gathered the courage to tell you.

"Can I take you out to dinner? I-its okay if n-not!" his face began getting more red by the second.

"Sure, why not?" you chuckled softly, his eyes lit up and the brightest smile plastered on his face.

Upon his reaction, you gently grabbed his hand and asked.
"Where do you usually eat?"

The two of you began walking to your desired destination, laughing and smiling as you did.

You failed to notice the pair of ocean eyes watching you from afar, jealousy and hatred filling him.

He clenched his fist until his knuckles turned white, oh how he wanted to slit that guy's throat, make him beg for mercy.

But not yet, everything has it's time.


After the day was over, zhang wei walked you home, you were tired so as soon as you entered your house, you went to your room and plopped on your bed face-flat.

you lifted your head a bit, and you saw something on your desk that wasn't there before.

It was another envelope.

You got up on your feet and reached to grab the envelope.
You opened the envelope and took out the paper inside, it was the same hand writing.this one read.

Everything you do it sends me,
Higher than the moon
with every twinkle in your eyes,
You strike a match that lights my heart on fire <3

the little heart in the end made your face soften as you awwed, A blush crept on your face and put the letter back in the envelope and put it in the drawer.

Did zhang wei leave it here?

you changed your clothes and jumped back on your bed, hugging your pillow as you dug your face into it.

What do I do? I never dated someone before..
Does he really like me in that way? Or is he trying to mess with me?
NoO...zhang wei wouldn't do that, he's too kind.

Your thoughts didn't stop coming, after a few minutes of fantasizing about him and his letters, you eventually fell asleep.

And yet again, you failed to notice the same pair of ocean eyes watching you from your window.


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