Chapter 12

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~Hey guess what i actually kept, that promise in the last chapter that it would get better but spoiler alert, no ben is not ok... yet okay he is but he isnt i mean hes dead but hes not gone if that made sense and wow alright just read it im not gonna spoil anymore.
Onward to mail!~

(Link's POV)

honest to god its been a devistating week and im just so fucking done. "Link im sure itll be alright..." "Zelda. im going to my husbands funeral, yah its all gonna be perfect" There was sarcasm in my words and she sighed and adjusted my tie, "i know it hurts link... i really do..." I only sighed, this fucking sucks.

Amy was driving everyone and everyone at the house was going, even casper who seemed to even feel bad for it. Serves him right. the car ride was complelety silent and i was obvious one of the most hurt aside from eli and marshall.

pulling up there was a few people from bens family id assume, and some people from school. One woman in particular caught my eye because she was crying. I stopped walking and zelda looked back at me and i told her id find her in a second. i slowly approched the woman. "y-youre... bens mother correct...?" She looked up at me and nodded softly "d-do excuse me im being very indecent right now..." she spoke softly. "its alright, i know it hurts..." "Bens told me about you..." "really?" "breifly... in his last letter... its link right?" "yeah..." the woman sniffled and whiped her eyes with the tisssue in he hand. "do forgive me, i need a moment" "take your time" She took a few deep breaths "i didnt even realize it was this bad..." "i didnt either..."

She closed her eyes and composed herself a bit "you can call me Maria..." "such a pretty name" "thank you..." something caught my eye in my peripheral vision and i looked in the direction. "everything alright?" "yeah, um... w-we should go sit... the sooner this is over the sooner we can try to forget the pain... oh, wow, im so sorry that came out wrong." "Its alright sweety i know what you meant" she said, resting a hand on my shoulder.

We walked to the area and i sat with zelda "who was that?" she asked  softly "His mom" "oh" "yeah" We listened to everything and it hurt to get through this and his mother even had to excuse herself because she started crying during her speech.

when it was over, people lingered and gave their sympathies to his mother. it didnt shock me to see his brother and dad but they were with officers and both looked a bit devistated. I decided to leave the funeral house and just go outside, i needed to clear my mind... it was so painful being in there, so painful knowing ill never get to see him again.

It was a bit chilly outside as it had been raining earlier... perfect day isnt it... pft thats a huge fucking lie. I sat on the steps and just took deep breaths and i honest to god couldve sworn i saw something or rather someone in the woods. As soon as i looked up though it was gone.

I decided to investigate though and carfully made my way through the grass and over to where i saw whatever it was. there was something sitting on the ground that made my heart compleltly stop. well, figurativly speaking. I slowly picked up the small game cartridge and it was ben's copy of majoras mask... but.. that... wasnt possible... i.. what?

People were leaving so i went back over to the oplace quickly and shoved the cartridge inside my pocket so nobody could see it. Zelda met me outside and asked me if i was alright "yeah.. i, just needed toclear my head is all.." "Alright"

we went home as well after i said goodbye to bens mother and im not for hugging strangers to be honest but i didnt mind hugging her, or rather having her hug me, she thanked me for being his friend and thanked me for being there for him and doing my best to make him happy... and i knew it wasnt my buisness to say it but i told her about our relationship, to this she only gave us acceptance.. or what would have been acceptance... if ben were still here...

You really shouldnt have done that (Book 12 BxL Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now