Chapter 7

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Im gonna be going back and editing ALL the coveres so yeah just btw, because im super stressed and making that cover relaxed me a bit, idek my life is a train wreck right now for personal reasons id rather not say here on wattpad, my mom is really sick too so yeah...
update: my brother's sick now too, dear fucking jesus...

Also i hope you dont mind the mention of drugs and this chapter might accidentally turn into a vent so trigger warning before hand because there might be a cutting scene, im not sure yet, we'll see as it progresses on

Then lastly, idek if any of you even knew i cosplay rather frequently as ben, ill put a pic on the side there but the rest is on my tumblr mostly xD ill be getting a new wig soon, mines really shitty cause it used to be breast length but i cut it by myself and didnt exactly do the best of a job at it ^^; unless i can figure out how to glue the ends together to make it less.. er.. straight edged, ill be getting a new wig. lol and speaking of tumblr! i might eventually throw ideas from asks in here, just because there's alot of cute ones <3333

Onward to mail!~

(Link's POV)

Never walk into a crappy school wearing dolce and gabbana or some other big designer because god-for-bid every single girl in the grade is going to jump on you. Im sitting here at lunch with Ben and Eli and this is hell, Those same popular girls that i snapped at for insulting Ben that one day, were sitting here ignoring everything i said that wasnt something she wanted to hear, pushing me to go on a date with her, or trying to.

"im not single, first of all, and second your faker than fake and id never date someone like you let alone do i even want to be having this conversation with you." "come on, you could spoil me all you want?" "Hey Rosco do you need some water?" Ben asked with a straight face, adressing her by her last name, she looked over at him. "um.. no?" "Sorry you just sound a bit  thirsty" as he said this he unscrewed the cap of his water and poured the contents over her head.

She quickly backed away from the table and ben tilted the bottle up so it wouldnt spill anymore, then closed it, and set it back down. We all just stared at Ben as Felicity had a near panick attack from her makeup smudging and her hair being all screwed up. She clenched her fists and ran off to the bathroom.

"B-Ben..." "She pisses me off" "I..i can see that.. but i've never seen you stand up to her..." "You're wearing off on people i guess?" A small smile played across his face and Eli awkwardly cleared her throat, "s-so.. um... we should... probably... clean the table" She said, beginning to dry the little water that did spill. Ben and I helped her and then the bell rang.

We took our stuff and parted ways to our classes.


At the end of the day, Ben looked to be on the verdge of tears, he wouldnt say anything to Eli and i when we said anything or asked him if he was alright, he just sat there most of free period with his head down. "Ben seriously are you alright" He sat up a bit and shook his head, then put his head down again, semingly squirming around just a tad, like he was uncomfortable.

Then again, he did look a bit pale. "Ben..." "my stomach hurts thats all" Eli left to see if she could make friends and i was now alone with Ben. I descretly ran my hand over his arm trying to relax him. "do you want me to take you to the nurse?" "ill be fine this.. this is the last period ill be alright..." "are you sure?" he stayed silent then got up and quickly ran off to the bathroom, he looked like he was about to be sick and i followed cautiously, only to have my suspicions confirmed, he was, in fact, throwing up.

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