Chapter 5

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~If you dont have a tumblr, i advise making one, guys you're missing out on whats going on over there XD Link licked a dildo and id put it on the side but again, link licked a dildo wattpad would be like "oh fuck no" XDDD pfffttt there will be more insane shit in the future trust me XDD theres a link in the external link on the side there ->

also side note, I had the video on the side commissioned and it turned out epic

By the way, on that last authors note i posted before this chapter, i got a REALLY good suggestion or a plot twist and im absolutly obsessed with it, there's gonna be some returning faces ;) lol, in fact, one of our most precious even starts this off,

onward to mail!~

(Eli's POV)

Theres something wrong here. There's something VERY wrong here. Its been i dont even know how many month and so much weird shit is happening. Zelda's noticed it too. God knows where my dad is, i dont know if hes just staying with chichi or what the fuck is going on anymore but i need answers. My dad is one of those people who warned me many many times to stay out of trouble, he's warned me so much and ive ignored him, but in the past few years ive been listening to him, ive been being as good as i can and trying to push my teenage years behind me.

i have no idea where anyone is, well, i do but its as if everythings frozen. Anyone who never had any physical assocation with my father is just... i dont know how to describe it. Have you ever seen like... one of those really old tvs that always had that shitty static like effect. Thats what i swear i see everywhere. Like a broken game, something. is very. very. wrong.

"Marshall!" there was no repsonse to me calling out, i growled and then tried calling him again. "are you fucking kidding me..." I growled again and walked upstairs quickly, then went to his room. "Marshall" "what?" "We're going to Mom's house" "why?" "Because we are, we're gonna go visit chichi" "oh god..." "Mari" "fine" He set his phone down then got off his bed, then he walked to his bathroom. i sighed and went to my room to get a few things i may need on a long car ride since we were going to be driving for a good four or five hours.

I walked downstairs and my brother was sitting there playing some stupid game. "Come on" "uhg... do we have to?" "Are you not the LEAST bit worried about dad?" "hes not my real dad so not really" "come on. youre not staying here alone" "fine!" he took his backpack of stuff and he walked out the front door. i decided to call my dads phone one more time, just to see if hed pick up. Nothing. absoulty nothing.

I hung up and then went to the car, got in the drivers side, then went to back out when my mom came up to the window and knocked on it. i looked up and opened it, "hey, did i catch you at a bad time?" "a-actually we were just coming to see if you wanted to go look for my dad with me.." "you STILL havent heard from him?" I shook my head, "no..." "alright, im coming with you" she walked over to the other door then got in "you wanna stop at your place to get anything for the drive?" "nah im good" "you sure?" "Yeah I'm sure."

It was the first time no  was going to chichis house and as I ba led out of the driveway, my mom looked pout the window at all the people repeating te same things over and over, the one woman brought her dog outside, then there was a glitch it seemed, and shed be back at her door, deleting it again. It was horrifying.

A few hours later, As we drove into termina, everything got weirder and weirder, people whom I've never seen before began to walk through buildings, through houses, like nothing was wrong. In the sky was some strange pixly looking moon with a horrific face. Half transparent  glitches into the normal ones and  clocktown looked hellish, then to put the cherry on top of the cake, my car completely stopped. I looked at the gauge and it said the tank was full, but the car wouldn't move, a shock of something had me cussing involintarily and pulling my hand off the stearing wheel.

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