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Cole’s phone rang and it was the Royal BnB they booked into so he answered.
Cole: hello
Woman: sir is everything ok in your suite...we’re hearing disturbing noise in there
“Shit” he thought.
Cole: ummm its probably my wife...look im on my way there now...don’t call security if there’s any damage I’ll pay for it...wait for me ok
Woman: umm ok sir please hurry other people who have booked here too are complaining about the noise
Cole: I’m almost there...i’m almost there  
Then he dropped the call and sighed...his phone rang again and it was Kgosi, he’s driving behind him using another car...anyway he answered.
Kgosi: the guard said he dropped her at the BnB
Cole: she’s breaking things in of the employees called me
Kgosi: what did you do to her Qophelo man!!!
Cole: i told you we just had an argument!!!
Kgosi: mxm
Kgosi dropped the call and they continued driving.
Cole opened the door and his eyes popped out when he saw the state the room was in....everything was upside down....his eyes moved next to the flipped over bed and he swallowed hard when he saw the state Marang was in.
Cole: sthandwa sam ( my love)
She just cried sitting there and Cole went closer to her.
Cole: ntokazi
Marang: who is she
She asked not looking at him.
Cole: who are you talking about
Marang: you said you’re done
Cole kept quiet a bit.
Cole: yeah as in like I’m done with the argument
Marang: you’re lying to me now Qophelo!!!
He clenched his jaws.
Cole: I’m not and you know it....i don’t know what’s going on but we argued Marang....couples argue.....what i don’t understand is all this....why would you trash this place up like this....what’s going on with you Marang heh
She looked up at him.
Marang: i wanna go home
Kgosi cleared her throat.
Kgosi: I’ll go and take care of all this and also get you another room
He walked out closing the door taking out his phone to call Dineo.
Marang: i wanna go home Cole
Cole: Marang what’s going on
He said sitting next to her.
Marang: i feel guilty
Cole: guilty of what
Marang: giving you another chance....loving you.....yearning for you
Cole swallowed looking down.
Cole: so ufuna shlukane ( so you want us to breakup)
She started crying again.
Cole: ngiphendule ( answer me)
He said breathing fast.
Marang: no
Cole: then what should i do...tell me and I’ll do it....anything
Marang: i want a baby
Cole froze.
Uncle: ele gore okae Kgositsile ( where is Kgositsile)
King: o tswile ( he went out) but he’ll be back
UncleSera ( the king’s uncle from his mother’s side) shook his head when he smelled alcohol from the King’s breath.
King: i send him to King Tautona
He lied.
Uncle: you don’t listen do rileng ka bojalwa ( what did we say about alcohol)
King: emanyana malome ( wait a bit uncle) i needed it
The uncle just shook his head again and he sighed.
Uncle: go diragalang Kwena ( what’s going on Kwena)
King: with what
Uncle: you don’t look like someone who’s mourning his late wife ....ebile ekare o fela pelo gore o bolokiwa neng ( its like you cant even wait for her to be buried) don’t even show interest in preparation for her burial
The King sighed.
King: Motlalepula was a snake malome....she hurt me beyond measure
Uncle: yes she was....  but I’m sure she wasn’t that bad
King: well she was
Uncle frowned.
King: can you believe she’s the reason Kgosi disappeared
Uncle’s eyes popped out.
Uncle: eng?? (what?)
King: she went to a witch doctor and....
He sighed and clenched his jaws tight looking down.
King: my heir to the throne suffered malome.....he suffered and went through hell all because of that evil dead witch i call a wife
Uncle looked at him shocked.
Uncle: naare ontha oreng Kwena ( what are you saying to me Kwena)
King: my daughter’s miscarriages  are because of her....she sacrificed my daughter’s unborn kids for power...poisoned them against Boitumelo and her children, almost recruited one of my daughters to join her, Tirelo died because of her and she forced Tirelo’s late wife abort because she wasn’t carrying Tirelo’s child
Uncle took off his jacket as everything he was hearing was just too much for him.
Uncle: ntsha bojalwa joo re nwe motlogolo ( bring that alcohol out so we can drink nephew)
King got up and opened one of the drawers and he took out a bottle of Gordons and he opened it and took a sip then he handed the bottle to his uncle and the uncle poured a little on the floor.
Uncle: BaKweneng
He exclaimed then he took a large sip and made an ugly face as it burned his throat all the way to his chest.
Uncle: eish ke hupile bo bontsi man yeeerrr ( i took a large sip man)
The King chuckled.
Uncle: bona fa....Mothusi a re o boloka ngwana wa gagwe ka letsatsi le le lengwe le Kgosigadi Motlalepula ( look Mothusi said he’s going to bury his son the same day Queen Motlalepula is going to be buried)
King: i don’t care malome... whether he even buried him inside Motlalepula grave....i don’t care....they deserve to share a day....birds of the same feathers flock together
Uncle stopped as he was about to drink and looked at the King.
King: Mothusi and his son plotted with Motlalepula to kill Kgosi then they ended up betraying Motlalepula cause Mothusi wanted his own son to rule the kingdom
Uncle: AMEN!
He took another large sip and made an ugly face.
Botlhale: i cant believe that bitch is still alive what would take for her to die along with her bastard child nxa
Palesa raised her eyebrow looking at her.
Botlhale: dont look at me like that Pale....She’s the one making Kgosi to treat me like that
Palesa: woooh bese....( wait a minute)....she’s making who what now?.....Botlhale my friend listen to me, Kgosi found you moved on and he did too....have you forgotten gore you’re married to a handsome prince
Botlhale: really Palesa
Palesa: yes really!....ele gore what has gotten to you mara.....where is this evil  Botlhale coming from....what’s going on with you tsala ( friend)
Botlhale: wow...really Palesa
Palesa: yes really have a good man who’s handsome and monied and here you are busy with Kgosi who has clearly moved on
Botlhale: i thought you knew me....i thought as my friend you’ll understand but i guess not nx
She picked her bag and walked out.
Kgosi: ok what good news do you have for me
He said getting out of the car.
Drench: i got him
Kgosi: got who
Drench: the bastard...Collins
Kgosi stopped on his tracks frozen.
Kgosi: you fucking with me right
Drench: nope
Kgosi: how...where
He was shocked.
Drench: i made sure Meyers sings like a canary and he gave me his location....we waited for him outside cause we new Meyers would tip him off and might i add his security detail is top notch but the funny part is i recognised one of his security men and i knew who he works for....i made a call and Collins was given to me on a silver platter....well at a price of course
Kgosi: i don’t know what to say
Drench: i need R50000 to pay off Ludo the owner of the security
Kgosi: you’ll get it after i see that motherfucker with my own two eyes
Drench: of  course
Kgosi sighed.
Kgosi: tell me here....why did Meyers talk
Drench: he has another family in the Northern Cape that his wife doesn’t know about
Kgosi: im sure you’ve been waiting to use that info on him
Drench laughed.
Drench: i found the info on his phone vandag ( today) and all that shit, i cant believe in all my years of trying to get anything that will make that shitty thing shake in his boots  nothing came up, he was discreet as fuck boys tailed him and not once have they found out he lives a double life that’s how good he was well until now...everything was just too easy man he heard the name Saddam and he shook like a leaf...what did you do to that piece of shit....i bet with my life he doesn’t know Saddam and Kgosi are the same person
Kgosi laughed awkwardly cause he doesn’t remember meeting this Meyers man but he’s damn sure Saddam has.
Kgosi: i don’t kiss and tell man
Drench laughed.
Kgosi saw Botlhale walking towards him and his heart started beating fast.
Kgosi: look man we will talk later....Cole and i will come after the funeral which will be in three days time and thanks for getting him for me man i owe you one
Drench: wait you owe me one?....ummmh i mean  ohkay.... cool
They ended the call and Kgosi looked at Botlhale with a scary frown she’s now standing in front of him smiling awkwardly.
Kgosi: what is it
She swallowed.
Botlhale: you don’t have to be rude Kgosi....we are not enemies
Kgosi: well anyone who threatens my family is my enemy
Botlhale: I’ve never threatened your family Kgosi what are you talking about
Kgosi: yes i fucked you Botlhale and knowing you im sure you cant wait to tell Dineo so that makes you my enemy
He said taking a step closer to her.
Kgosi: and trust me you dont want to be my enemy Botlhale cause my enemies end up six feet under
She swallowed hard looking scared.
Kgosi: stay away from me and Dineo....i wont tell you again nx
Then he walked away leaving her heart broken to the core....she couldn’t believe that was her Kgosi...her phone rang and it was her husband, she clicked her tongue and let it ring.
Cole sat on a chair watching Marang as she slept....He wondered if that was the last mental breakdown or its just the beginning.....and the fact that she said she wants a child unsettled him cause he doesn’t want them to replace the child he killed with a new one....he wanted her to heal completely first or for the pregnancy thing to happen all on its own....He sighed and got up and he went to pour himself a drink....maybe he should just take her to a vacation or baecation as they call it “ he thought”....yeah that would do...they’ll get to relax and reconnect and probably start the healing process the right way “ he thought” again sitting down.....she moved abit then she opened her eyes and they landed on Cole then she quickly looked away.
Cole: sit up so we can talk
She slowly did and Cole sighed when he saw her swollen and red eyes.
Cole: what’s going on ntokazi
 Marang sighed and played with her fingers as she looked down.
Marang: i think im having a mental breakdown.....a lot of things are playing in my mind and it gets too much
Cole sighed and he brushed his head.
Marang: when...when you said im done.....i felt like my heart was about to stop beating and i couldn’t understand why when i was the first one to say our marriage wont work
She sighed.
Cole: why did you say that
Marang: guilt
Cole frowned
Marang: i feel like im betraying my...our baby and what i now stand for.... after i started therapy i told myself that i will walk away and make it on my own but look at me now.... i cant
She sighed again as Cole looked down and he swallowed painfully.
Marang: i still love you Cole.....a lot and i don’t think i can do this life thing without you, at the same time i feel like a victim who’s in love with her abuser and cant walk away
Marang: i know you were bewitched and normally you wouldn’t do that to me but you did did and i should be walking away....i should be hating you....i should have gotten you arrested but i didn’t....i don’t hate you and i don’t want to walk away...i never want to walk a disgrace
She said sobbing and Cole sat back and he closed his eyes as pain choked him.
Marang: it was never about the stupid funeral or being weak....i know im soft...i know im kind hearted....ive always being like that and thats who i am even though people take advantage of that
She sniffed.
Marang: im just going through emotions i dont know how to handle....i even had crazy thoughts that you’re cheating on me... when the system is affected by a virus it acts crazy im telling you....i felt like a robot that has a virus
She chuckled and so did Cole.
Cole: do you want to give us a chance
She nodded.
Cole: are willing to let what happened go....of course you’ll never forget but are you willing to forgive and move on from the trauma
She sighed.
Marang: i want to so badly but i don’t know how
Cole: look....i wasn’t on my right state of mind ntokazi but the truth is i remember what i did, i wish i didn’t but now i do....i just couldn’t control myself....all i felt was anger that i didn’t even know what triggered it....i tried countless times to walk away infact i did but that day the anger got worse and all i saw was red
He sighed and Marang wiped her falling tears
Cole: that whole shit will haunt me for the rest of my life....the fact that i killed my own child will haunt me ntokazi
Marang sobbed.
Cole: he/she wanted me to kill you and i didn’t.... thankfully.... but i killed my baby and traumatized you for life
Cole: no sorries will ever undo what i did but healing and forgiveness will make everything better and will make moving on to be easy....i love you  kakhulu futhi ( a lot) and i also cant imagine doing this life thing without you
Marang cried.
Marang: im sorry for all i sorry for accusing you of sorry for...
Cole: shhh
He put his glass down and he got up and went to her...he got on top of the bed and pulled her closer and held her tight as she cried.
Cole: sizoba right....we will be fine you hear me
She nodded holding him tight.
Cole: i love you sthandwa sam
Collins opened his eyes and he felt pain on his wrists....he saw that he’s tide and he’s hanging on a steel pole that’s on the roof...he tried to move his legs and he could feel and see that only his toes can touch the floor.
Collins: let me out ....let me out of here!!!!
He screamed then he remembered what happened.
Collins: no no no
He couldn’t believe that a security company that he paid handsomely betrayed him like this....he knew he’s not gonna make it out alive and it pained him that he’s gonna die without seeing her or even touching her.
Collins: noo
He said as tears gushed out....he tried to move his body but he couldn’t do much.
Collins: help!!!
He screamed again....he thought of Dineo again and more tears gushed out.
Collins: all i ever wanted was to make you love you right.....i did all i did for you Dee....for us...i cant die without seeing you again...i cant...somebody me!!!
He screamed the last part but help didn’t come.
Botlhale walked towards Dineo’s room at the hospital and she found two guard standing by her door.
Botlhale: damn it!
She whispered to herself but then she proceeded towards them.
Guard1: my princess
She cleared her throat.
Botlhale: hi....can i pass i came to see Dineo and the new born princess....i bought  a little something for the new born princess
She said smiling showing him the gift bag while the guard looked at her suspiciously.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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