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At 3 in the morning he was already awake busy mixing herbs he’s gonna use to help Kgosi with....him and Kgosi have been on a three days fasting and prayer something Kgosi has never done until now,so today is the day he gets cleansed and it’s also the day he’s gonna communicate with Richard, he finished mixing the herbs and he went to the room Kgosi was sleeping in and he stood by the bed looking at him....he could see he was restless in his sleep and he felt sorry for him cause he’s been through hell and back and he’s still going through hell now.
Kgosi: take a picture it lasts longer
He spoke after some time.
Alpha: nx I thought you’re sleeping
Kgosi: how can I continue sleeping when all you smell like is ditlhare ( herbs)
Alphalette chuckled.
Kgosi: firstly you make me pray and fast and now you’re showing your creep tendencies by watching me sleep
Alpha: get up and shower soon we will leave for the river to cleanse you
He said ignoring what he said and Kgosi sighed sitting up.
Alpha: ooh and your brother is waiting outside the yard looking angry....he needs to chill and rest in peace this thing of him meddling in lovers quarrels is not on....why cant he behave like other ancestors
He shook his head heading for the door.
Alpha: im still saying it again....vanhu vha levukosini va karata na swipoko swakona ( royalty people are troublesome even their ghosts)
He walked to the door then stopped.
Alpha: even my ancestors get tired of figuring out the kind of human being I am so don’t even bother trying to figure me out prince
He then walked out leaving Kgosi shocked....yes its true, he has tried figuring Alphalette out but every time he does something more creepier than the last one popped up...he sighed and got out of bed and went to the en-suite and took a shower.
Alphalette mixed coins with muthi in a plastic bowl chanting then he threw them inside the flowing water then he stood there quietly as if he’s waiting for something....then out of the blue strong wind started blowing around them then they heard a defining sound coming from the bushes that’s near the was a swarm of bees flying towards them at high was a scary sound that sends chills down one’s spine.
Alphalette: do not panic and don’t, I repeat.... don’t let your other personalities take over or all this will be for nothing
Kgosi swallowed hard as the bees surrounded them making noise....they surrounded them for some time  then they moved away from Alphalette and only surrounded Kgosi only for some time until they flew away from them and Kgosi breathed out loud relieved and they waited....after a minute or so a huge brown with black dots snake slid out of the water and Kgosi held his pee tight as it was about to come out as fear crept in while Alphalette knelt on the ground with his head bowed slithered towards Kgosi and that pee he was holding ran down his legs as he visibly shook.
Kgosi: ooh God...ooh God...Alphalette.....
***he whispered trying to call Alphalette surrounded him looking scary and more peed came out then it raised its head facing him and it opened its mouth wide and Kgosi just fainted***
People came to render their condolences from all over the kingdom and neighboring ones and the late Queen’s daughters have locked themselves in their rooms since the queen passed on crying all their sorrows out....They are not crying for their mother but what their mother confessed to them before she think that they’ve been hating Queen Boitumelo and her kids (their half sisters and brother) for nothing whist their mother was their enemy all along hurts deep in their heart....Kele is now also mourning her dead baby all over again and her countless miscarriages while Mphonyana is mourning the end of her engagement with a man she loved all over again....The man is now married and his wife is even pregnant and to think that could’ve been her pregnant with his baby and married to him if it wasn’t for their mother hurt deep for her for Mpho she’s grateful she has never been close to their mother or else she would be her victim too but she feels her sisters’ pains....she doesn’t even know how to help them heal and try to move passed the revelations and as for their father the King he doesn’t feel pain of losing a wife but anger for what the late queen did to his children.....he even gets annoyed when people start talking about the late queen as if she was good woman....One of the guards walked in and went to the King and whispered that the seer is here to see him and he nodded and whispered to his brother that was sitting next to him and the brother nodded and the King got up and followed the guard out.
Seer: im sure you have questions my King and im here to give you the answers
King: why now...why not when all this ruckus was is your answers gonna help me now mmmmh.....she’s dead, my children are broken so how are your answers gonna help me 
He said sounding angry and the seer sighed looking down.
The seer: there’s a lot more she didn’t confess my King
The King frowned.
Kgosi woke up when water was splashed on his face...he gasped for air and Alphalette pulled him up and he stumbled a bit until he finally found his balance.
Kgosi: wh...what happened
Alpha: you fainted
Kgosi frowned then he remembered the snake.
Kgosi: the..the huge snake
He said looking around for it looking scared.
Alphalette: it went to feed....she permitted us to use the water while she went to feed ....come
Kgosi looked around....he cant believe he’s still alive, it was about to eat him....anyway he followed Alphalette inside the water forgetting that he peed on himself.
They are now in the woods and Kgosi is kneeling on the ground facing down as him and Alphalette pray...after praying Alphalette started chanting ancestral chants with incese burning summoning Richard to join them then all of a sudden Kgosi felt the hair on the back of his head standing and his shoulders getting heavier and heavier and a sudden headache pounced on him and Alphalette stopped chanting.
Alpha: he’s here
***Kgosi looked around but he didn’t see him but he could feel someone or something standing behind him...his heart beat so fast he thought it would explode***
Alpha: don’t be scared...he’s angry but he’s your brother, your talk to him....let it all out to him, be free
***Kgosi swallowed hard then he sighed***
Kgosi: Tirelo.....
***he then sighed again feeling emotional***
Kgosi: I...i have a multiple personality disorder and its messing with my life....i have killed people to survive and now one of the personalities Saddam slept with Botlhale and that’s gonna hurt Dineo when she finds out...she’s gonna leave me
***he swallowed painfully***
Kgosi: I love her Tirelo
***wind started blowing around them violently***
Alpha: don’t stop
Kgosi: im sure you now know that she’s my chosen one....but I made her angry and hurt her feelings cause I couldn’t sleep with her.....i couldn’t cause I felt guilty Tirelo....i wanted confirmation in a way that you are blessing our union....i felt like sleeping with her will be me spitting on your grave and memory...i wanted a sign that you’re blessing us, I didn’t mean to make her angry I just....
***he swallowed hard as tears gushed out falling to the ground***
Kgosi: I miss you....i miss you so much....i wish I was the one that got killed and not you....i wish I can take your place.....Gauta will grow up without didn’t deserve to die didn’t deserve to die
***he said crying then the wind stopped***
Kgosi: I act strong but im not bro.... im dying inside....i fought to come back to my family and you were killed before we can even reconnect....i feel empty at the same time im mad angry at our ancestors for letting you die like that
***he continued to cry***
Alpha: Richard
***he said looking at him and Richie was crying too***
Alpha: now you know what he’s been through....he’s not the same man anymore...he’s broken....he survived death and he also had to fight to come home to you and the rest of your family....even now he’s still trying to adjust to his new normal being having multiple personalities that mess up his life sometimes....dealing with your death and also being strong for everyone....he’s only human man and the is so much he can take
***Richie’s ghost looked down***
Alpha: forgive him for hurting...what’s her name
Kgosi: Dineo
***he said and sniffed wiping his face***
Alpha: Dineo and give him a sign that you’re blessing their union and continue protecting them
Kgosi: im sorry bro....i love Dineo with all my heart and I promise to love them unconditionally and also take care of her and Gauta
Alpha: and stop meddling in their affairs....couples fight all the time....after this talk you need to rest in peace and let Dineo go...your daughter is in safe hands and you know it so rest and let your brother handle things....when he needs help he’ll call you
Kgosi: and im gonna find Collins and after im done dealing with him im gonna marry Dineo and we gonna raise Gauta together but I need your blessing bro...i don’t wanna fell like im betraying you cause Cole told me how much you loved or love the same time I don’t wanna compete for her....i want her to be mine and mine alone
***then silence.....then Kgosi felt a hand on his shoulder and he froze***
Alpha: relax its him.... he says that’s a sign that he’s blessing your union and that...
Alpha: he’s no longer angry at you....
Alpha: he says he loves you and that you should take care of his daughter and baby mama
***Kgosi’s tears gushed out***
Alpha: and he says about Collins...he says he’s in plain sight....he said you should look at obvious places....he’s right under your nose
***Kgosi wiped his tears and he frowned as Richie pulled his hand back***
Alpha: he’s leaving...
***Richard started walking towards the light but then he stopped***
Alpha: he says good luck with Dineo cause you’re gonna need it...
***Alpha looked at Kgosi frowning***
Kgosi: what is it
Alpha: he’s laughing busy saying you’re gonna need it
***then Richard disappeared into the light***
Alpha: he’s gone
***Kgosi got up***
Alpha: lets go....remember don’t look back
***they walked out of the woods and got inside the car and drove off***
Alpha: ok what’s wrong with Dineo....why was your brother laughing at you like that
***Kgosi sighed brushing his hair***
Kgosi: she’s crazy...when she finds out about Botlhale all hell will break loose
***Alphalette laughed his ass off*** 
Alpha: well then good luck cause you’re gonna need it
Kgosi: mxm
***Alphalette chuckled***
Kgosi: what did she say...
***he sighed***
Kgosi: did she ask about me
***Cole kept quiet a bit***
Kgosi: so she didn’t
Cole: she’s still a bit out of it and she was worried about Gauta
Kgosi: what did the doctor say
***he said diverting the conversation***
Cole: she’s gonna be fine and so will the princess
Kgosi: that’s good and how’s Gorata
Cole: she’s getting discharged tomorrow
Kgosi: that’s good
Cole: and the paw-paw were here asking questions, they interviewed Gorata and they said they’ll come tomorrow to talk to Dee
Kgosi: mxm those stupid fools....they called me on my way here....nx as if they’ll even search Collins or find him
Cole: we will find him don’t worry
Kgosi: Tirelo said he’s in plain sight....we should look at obvious places
Cole: so you two talked
Kgosi: yeah sort of
***he sighed***
Kgosi: it was intense and scary man.....i’ll tell you all about it when we meet
Cole: damn
Kgosi: I swear Alpha wa loya man...struu ( alpha is a wizard)
***Cole laughed***
Kgosi: I swear to you
Cole: I need to see this guy
Kgosi: you wouldn’t tell he’s a sangoma but the sh!t he does
***he whistled and Cole laughed***
Cole: so Richie blessed yall
***Kgosi sighed***
Kgosi: yeah
Cole: that’s good...ooh before I forget the King was asking about you
Kgosi: I’ll call are things at the royal homestead
Cole: sad mfowethu....Mmapula’s daughters are walking corpses
Kgosi: Motlalepula man not Mmapula
Cole: six no nine kuya fana ( same thing)
***Kgosi chuckled....anyway they talked some more until they ended the call then Alpha knocked and walked in***
Alpha: you need to start with meditation
Kgosi: heh...mediwhat?....i don’t do those yoga things a straight dude
Alpha: eish yah neh....ignorant and foolish people of high status
***he shook his head and walked in closing the door***
Kgosi: se se salang im not doing yoga finish.... ga ke tlo donosa (im not about to stick my ass out) in questionable positions wearing tights
Alpha: o namnam
Kgosi: tsek!!
***Alpha laughed sitting on the bed so he can explain***
***Dineo is looking over her daughter’s incubator....looking at how small it it....the baby is supposed to be at the NICU with other babies but money talks and it makes things happen....she sighs as her mind go to the last encounter she had with Kgosi....”maybe he decided to fix things with Botlhale, maybe that’s why he hasn’t visited them” she was a bitter pill to swallow but it is what it is, she never lasts in relationships either always one thing after the other so from now on she’s gonna focus on her little beautiful princess with vitiligo.....She smiles looking over at Gauta and a proud smile plasters on her face...she’s now a mother....she can’t believe it and yeah her C-section scar is another proof that a whole human being came out of her....she wishes Richard was around to see their baby....tears filled her eyes and she fought them back right then Marang her sister from another mother walked in, she had balloons and shopping bags with her...she put everything down and went to hug Dineo and she kissed her cheek***
Marang: hey mama
Dineo: hey
***she observed her as she went to take a peek at the baby and she could see she wasn’t herself, it’s like she was hiding something from her or that she’s feeling guilty of something***
Dineo: what did you do
Marang: huh
Dineo: you heard me....what did you look and smell guilty of something....areye out with it
*** Marang sighed and she pulled a chair and sat down and buried her face on the palms of her hands***
Dineo: whats wrong
Marang: I messed up Dee
Dineo: wentseng ( what did you do)
***Marang sighed***
Marang: I slept with him Dee.....its too early and I just gave in
Dineo: huh
***she asked confused***
Marang: I slept with Cole
***Dineo frowned***
Dineo: ok then whats the problem
Marang: its too early Dee...i mean
Dineo: Marang???
Marang: mmh
Dineo: Cole is your can sleep with him any time you don’t even have to feel guilty about it....he’s yours mntase.....yours alone
Marang: you don’t get it Dee
Dineo: then make me get it
***Marang sighed***
Marang: he hurt me and I should still be mad at him
Dineo: ok then kuku e tsena kae moo
Marang: bathong Dineo 
Dineo: noo Marang...if you don’t want him anymore divorce him but if you still love him and don’t want to lose him then forgive him even though it doesn’t mean that you’ll forget, then ofe motho wa modimo kuku ya gae
***Marang just shook her head***
Dineo: vele its his and if you don’t wanna lose him stop giving him the cold shoulder....go nale dif#be tse dinchi tse di mo batlang...hungry f#beliners out there lala....communicate with hubby....communication, love, loyalty and faithfulness in a marriage makes the marriage awesome especially with the right partner and by that I mean a partner that loves you
***Marang sighed***
Dineo: he’s your own that pipi you hear me....diguilty conscious ke tsa di cheaters wena o ja pipi e o e ownang period
***Marang laughed shaking her head***
Dineo: bona re fa guys mind blowing blow jobs re bula kuku e otlhe gore ba e ravase anyhow they like but im still single mmhh.... ne ke mona pipi ya Kgosi ke mo fa le di deep throats ke ikgobatsa lelengwana ke batla le go tlhatsa ke jikise matlhatsa ka go a metsa gore a boele morago so that he won’t be turned off and he still dumped me like a used pad for his married ex....wena you have a man who messed up big time and he recognizes his f#!k ups and he’s doing everything possible to fix things....the truth is that man lives and breathes you Marang and we both know gore it’s not his fault
***Marang frowned***
Marang: you and Kgosi broke up
***Dineo sighed***
Dineo: a lot happened and I haven’t seen him since I woke up
Marang: Cole said he went back home to deal with something but he will be back
Dineo: back home a gona di cellphone networks mmmmh??
***Marang sighed***
Marang: maybe....maybe he’s held up or something...Cole said....
Dineo: he should’ve at least called Marang
***she said interrupting Marang***
Marang: just don’t give up on your relationship just like that Dee
Dineo: im not royalty Marah so it’s not like him and I we will get married.... maybe this is his way of giving me hints that it won’t work between know I have bad luck when it comes to relationships Marah....they never work out
***Marang swallowed painfully***
Dineo: don’t worry about me...I’ll be fine.....anyhu ( anyway) do you still love him....Cole??
***Marang sighed and she nodded slowly***
Dineo: do you wanna spend the rest of life with him
***Marang nodded again***
Dineo: then bula kuku eo for mnikazi wa yona end of story
***Marang laughed lightly....anyway Marang showed Dineo what he bought for her and Gauta and Dee smiled with tears in her eyes as she held a baby’s vest written “ daddy’s princess”....her mind went to Richard then to Kgosi and she let her tears fall and she sobbed, Marang just held her tight....Dineo is a strong woman but the thought of Kgosi leaving her and marrying someone else broke her heart ***
Dineo opened her eyes when she felt a presence in the room and was surprised to see none other than Kgosi standing by the incubator looking at the baby....he turned his head when he heard some noise and he saw Dineo adjusting the bed automatically so she can be in a sitting position.
Kgosi: she’s perfect
Dineo kept quiet looking away.
Kgosi: im glad both of you are ok.....
Still silence.
Kgosi: I know you are mad at me but I had a good reason for not being here for you and Gauta
He walked closer to the bed.
Kgosi: please look at me
Dineo: im sure you’re here for Omontle not me
He frowned.
Kgosi: you named her Omontle
Dineo: Omontle Gauta Kwena
Kgosi smiled....they were beautiful...he swallowed emotionally....he then went back to the incubator and looked at her and her beautiful two tone skin.
Kgosi: thank you....she’s perfect....i see she has your pointy nose....she’s gonna be beautiful like her mama
Dineo didn’t say anything....Kgosi sighed and he turned looking at her and he put his hands in his pockets.
Kgosi: im sorry Mmabontle....i shouldn’t have acted like that before the....incident....that was an elementary move and im sorry
Dineo: say it right....childish move Kgosi stop polishing it
He sighed.
Kgosi: I felt guilty
She frowned looking at him.
Kgosi: sleeping with you....i felt like I was betraying Tirelo....i wanted his blessing so bad, just any sign from him that he blesses our union
***she swallowed emotionally looking away***
Kgosi: I love you Mmabontle...a lot and now that Tirelo has blessed our union im never holding back
Kgosi’s phone rang and Botlhale’s name popped up....he froze looking nervous then he dropped the call and even blocked it.
Kgosi: so what do you we give us our all and make this work....give Gauta a loving and warm home
Tears ran down her cheeks and she quickly wiped them....this pregnancy hormones need to go as in now “ she thought”.
Dineo: what about Botlhale
Kgosi frowned with his heart beating fast.
Kgosi: what about her
Dineo shrugged.
Dineo: I mean you and her seem....
Kgosi: nothing is going on and nothing will ever happen....she’s married Mmabontle....yes she might still be interested in me but im not and I never will my heart beats for you and you alone
Dineo looked at Kgosi with tears in her eyes.
Dineo: but you and her were laughing and you seem...
Kgosi: I was trying to make you jealous but it didn’t work out the way I hope it would
He said that rubbing his beard embarrassed and Dineo’s eyes popped out.
Dineo: you trying to make me jealous....the mighty Kgosi....i don’t believe it
Kgosi shook his head smiling then he chuckled still feeling embarrassed.
Kgosi: you drive me crazy make me do childish things....things I told myself I’ll never do
Dineo laughed lightly with her hand on her lower abdomen as she felt pain when she laughed and Kgosi went closer to the bed and he looked down at her.
Kgosi: can I kiss you
She nodded shyly and he went to her level and kissed her....they kissed for some time until they broke it catching their breath then he kissed her forehead two times.

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