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Cole: hey what’s up
Kgosi: have you seen Tirelo
Cole: ummm no I’ve just came out of my bedroom
Kgosi: Mmabontle said....
Cole: whoah Mmabontle?
He said with raised eyebrows.
Kgosi: stop it man this is serious
Cole chuckled.
Cole: she prefers to be called Dineo or Dee  if you must know
Kgosi: noted now back to Tirelo
Cole got serious.
Cole: have you tried his phone
Kgosi gave him the “dude?” look and Cole raised his hands up.
Cole: ok dumb question...ummm let me bring my laptop so I can track his watch
Kgosi: he has a tracker on his watch
Cole: it’s a half a million Rand Rolex watch man ofcourse he does or he wouldn’t be Richie
Kgosi chuckled as Cole went to fetch his laptop..... he came back and sat down and got busy on the laptop.
Cole: there he is
He said pointing on the screen.
Cole: but he’s not moving and what the hell is he doing parked on the side of the road

Kgosi: let’s go
He said getting up and Mr Kabongo walked in.
KK: good morning
Cole: morning
Kgosi: father ma just started with breakfast but we won’t be able to join you, we have to rush somewhere
KK: ok find me cow or donkey dung my son , im sure someone has cows or donkeys around
Cole and Kgosi looked at each other trying not to laugh.
Cole: you mean manor....ok ummm we will find them for you
KK: thank you son
Kgosi: ok I’ll see you later father
Then they rushed out.
Cole: that’s your father asking for amasimba wenkomo ne wembongolo ( cow and donkey’s shit)
Kgosi: fosek man
Cole laughed and Kgosi chuckled.
On their way Cole was driving while Kgosi was busy looking at the laptop screen.
Kgosi: why isn’t he moving man?
Cole: I don’t know, I suddenly have a bad feeling man
Kgosi sighed.
Kgosi: me too
They drove for some time until they spotted his car parked on the side of the road and Kgosi suddenly had a sharp pain on his chest.
Kgosi: mmmmh....shit!
He said with his hand on his chest.
Cole: what is it?
Kgosi: something is wrong
He said as he quickly got out of the car and Cole followed him rushing to the car.
Kgosi: Tirelo....Tirelo....
He opened the door and it was empty.
Kgosi: where the fuck is he....
He said getting out and Cole searched around the car and he saw some blood drops on the ground at the back and some on the boot and his heart started beating fast.
Cole: King open the boot!
Kgosi quickly opened it and he rushed to the back and Cole slowly opened it and there he was, covered in blood.
Kgosi: fuck nooo....Tirelo...Tee
Cole checked his pulse and it was there but it was faint.
Cole: he’s still alive but barely holding on
Kgosi quickly grabbed him and they pulled him out and carried him to their car and Cole drove away in total speed while Kgosi was with Richie at the back.
Kgosi: fuck.....who did this to you man?
He said putting pressure on his bleeding wound on the left side of his abdominal area.
Cole: hold on Richie...don’t give up man im almost at the hospital
He said with a panicking voice.
Cole: fuck...this is not happening....this is not happening
He said as he drove in high speed, then Richard opened his eyes slowly.
Kgosi: hey man...we are rushing you to the hospital, just hold on ok
Richie: please...take care of....Dineo
Then he coughed and some blood came out of his mouth.
Kgosi: you’ll take care of her yourself man...just hold on and you’ll get to care for her yourself
Cole: Richie don’t do this please
Richie: love my child... like he...or she is yours King
Kgosi’s tears ran down his cheeks.
Kgosi: Tee don’t do this to me man im begging you
He pleaded with him desperately.
Cole: Richie im almost there almost there so hold on!
Richie: she...she’s gonna nee...need you and Co...Cole
Kgosi: no she needs you man....she and your baby need you Tirelo so don’t do this to her
He coughed again and more blood came out.
Cole: Richie stop talking your strength man
Richie: they... they are work...working to...together
He whispered using his last strength.
Kgosi: who?
He coughed some more and more blood came out of his mouth and the car stopped and Cole rushed out calling for help....Kgosi looked at Richard as he stretched his hand as if he reaching for something then his hand got loose and it fell back on the seat and he took his last breath with a single tear from his left eye running down on the side of his face......Kgosi’s tears ran down his face and a sob escaped his mouth...... The door got opened and they found him crying out loud while hugging Richard’s body.
Kgosi: noooo....Richie why....don’t do this to me....i just got back man please...don’t do this to me
The hospital porter moved back looking down sadly and Cole just slid down to the ground and buried his head between his thighs and he cried.


Kgosi: he said “they” are working together
They were sitting on the visitors couches inside the hospital, The police were called in since he died of a stab wound and they answered all the questions they were asked now they were waiting for Cole’s mortuary to come and take Richie’s body.
Cole: who are they
Kgosi: he didn’t say
He said and sniffed while wiping his tears.
Cole: they stabbed him man....they just gutted him like that
He said with an emotional voice.
Kgosi: and the way he was bleeding the knife was pushed in deep and it probably punctured his internal organ
Cole: that’s what the doctor said
Kgosi: I didn’t hear a single word he said
Cole sighed.
Cole: why didn’t he tell either one of us where he was going and who he was meeting
He said with an angry voice.
Kgosi stood up and brushed his head.
Kgosi: we need to retrace his steps
Cole: yeah but right after telling your family about his passing and... also the girls
Kgosi sat down again.
Kgosi: I just got back man.... we should be celebrating and not this, why now huh....why now?
Cole: Richie knew the rules...why didn’t he let us know where he was going man.....and who the fuck are “they”..... ngapha uDineo just lost one child and now..... Fuck!
He said getting up and he walked away.


Well Cole told the King ( Richie and Kgosi’s father) about Richard’s passing and the King said they’ll take it from here and he was cool with that cause him and Kgosi needed to find the people that killed Richie.
Dineo: hey you back, did you find him?
She said as she saw them walking inside the house...... then she saw their faces and Kgosi’s blood stained shirt and she started shaking.
Cole: Dee
Dineo: where is Richard...where is he?
She said with a shaking voice and Cole got closer to her.
Cole: he’s gone
Marang: gone where?
She said walking in slowly with two cups of hot chocolate in her hands.
Cole: babe
Dineo: where is he Cole?
Cole: we found him stabbed and stashed in the boot of his car and he died on the way to the hospital
The cups slipped through Marang’s hands and landed on the floor.
Cole: Dee im sorry...but he’s gone
He said with an emotional voice and Dee covered her ears and she screamed out loud and Cole pulled her closer and held her tight as she screamed crying her lungs out.
Cole: you need to calm down Dee, think of the baby please
Marang went to the wall and she slid down to the floor as she cried shaking and Kgosi took off his bloodied shirt and he went to Cole.
Kgosi: I’ll take care of her go and make sure that Marang is ok
Kgosi picked a crying Dineo up bridal style and he went upstairs with her and Cole helped Marang up and he hugged her tight as she cried.
Cole: its ok baby...its gonna be ok
Marang: he...he’s gone Cole
Cole: I know...i know ok
Then he made her look at him.
Cole: but I want you to do me a favour ok
She nodded sobbing.
Cole: I want you to be strong for Dee....she just lost one baby and now....its Richie so she’s gonna need you ntokazi.....i need you to be strong for her, to be there for her and I’ll be there for you ok
She nodded still sobbing and he wiped her falling tears.
Cole: you promise
She nodded again
Cole: you know I want you to say it
Marang: ye...yes
Cole: good
He then kissed her lips and she ended up kissing him back then they broke it off and he looked into her teary puffy eyes.
Cole: i... I love you ntokazi....i know its....
Marang: I love you too Cole
She said interrupting him and he smiled a bit.
Cole: I know you do and it took losing you to realize that I really do too but never again.....we are never breaking up again ok
She nodded as fresh tears came out and he wiped them then he perked her lips and he held her tight.


Cole: ummm ma and Mr KK Richard passed away
Helper: iyoh hayi...hayi!
She said with her hands on top of her head while Mr Kabongo looked down while shaking his head with his eyes closed.
KK: what happond my son ( what happened my son)
Cole: we found him stabbed but he died on his way to the hospital
The helper was now crying and Mr Kabongo sighed painfully.
KK: im sorry for your loss....where is Kgosi
Cole: he’s upstairs making sure Dineo is ok
Mr KK nodded and he sighed.
Helper: oooh nkosi yam uDineo ( ooh my God Dineo).....ooh Jehovah
She said still crying.
Cole: Ma I need you to be strong and to make sure Marang and Dineo eat, they are both pregnant so make sure they feed our kids and also take care of Mr KK here like you have been doing
Helper: ofcourse baba
She said wiping her tears off with her apron.
KK: please when Kgosi is done with Daneo ( Dineo) tell him to come see me
Cole: I will
KK: is there any way I can help
Cole sighed.
Cole: Kgosi is gonna need you
Mr KK nodded..... he saw how Kgosi is with Mr Kabongo and how much he respect him and how he seemed happy and free when he’s with him which is something he has never seen Kgosi do when he’s around the King ( his father).....he behaves and act like the heir apparent to the throne when he’s around the King cause that’s how he raised and trained him but with Mr KK he acts like a son and he’s free.


Kgosi has been sitting on the single couch that was inside the bedroom lost in thoughts.....that scene inside the car up until Richard took his last breath was playing in his head....he closed his eyes and tears gushed out and he clenched his jaws.
Kgosi: fuck!
He then wiped his tears off and he looked at Dineo who was sleeping on the bed....he sighed and got up and he went to stand by the window....then someone knocked at the door.
Kgosi: come in
The door opened and Cole walked in holding two glasses of whiskey.....he walked to Kgosi and gave him his glass and he gulped it down at one go and Cole sighed.
Cole: how is she?
Kgosi shrugged his shoulders.
Kgosi: how’s your girl
Cole sighed.
Cole: she’s resting now....lets go talk somewhere else
They walked out and went downstairs to the study room and they sat down.
Kgosi: I wish I didn’t come back man
Cole: don’t say that King
Kgosi: I came back and my brother gets killed by God know who....i shouldn’t have come back man
Cole: don’t piss me off King, Richard was killed by someone im sure you don’t even know cause you’ve been gone for two years
Kgosi: then why do I feel like me coming back brought bad luck on us man
Cole: stop with this pity party shit  man it doesn’t suit you
Kgosi sighed.
Kgosi: who are your suspect?
Cole: there’s a long list man but the ones on the top of the list are Collins and his lap dog
Kgosi: ok but he said they are working together meaning its Collins and his lap dog and someone else
Cole: yeah but I have no idea who it could be......look I know Richie blamed those two for Dineo miscarrying one twin cause we suspected that they are the ones that helped Mazwi and maybe he went to confront them
Kgosi clenched his jaws.
Cole: but for now we need to concentrate on burying our boy then its game on
Kgosi: know I already had plans of us ruling side by side as brothers
Cole: I know man
Kgosi: I swear on my ancestors whoever did this..... will die the most painful death ever experienced by anyone
He said with the scariest look on his face and Cole swallowed.
Kgosi: they better make sure we don’t find them
Then he chuckled with a creepy smile on his face and he brushed his beard on his chin slowly while staring into space with that creepy smile still on his face.
Cole: damn it
He said to himself.
Cole: Shadow?
Kgosi turned and looked at him still brushing his beard on his chin.
Kgosi: it’s been a long time huh...two years to be exact
Cole: now is not the time man.....he needs to mourn his brother so he can focus when the time comes
Kgosi: I know..... I just needed some fresh air that’s all so relax
Cole just looked at him and Kgosi continued to brush his beard looking into space with that creepy smile on his face.



Vuyiswa was busy in the kitchen when she heard a knock at the door, she wiped her hands and went to check who it was and she found two police officers standing there.
Vuyi: can I help you
She wondered how they got in and she saw the gate wide open and she breathed out cause it means Lindiwe went out and she didn’t even bother to close the gate.
Officer1: hi detective Peters and this is my colleague detective Moloi
Vuyi: ok can I help you with something
Moloi: it’s about your son mam can we come in
Vuyiswa frowned.
Vuyi: ok
She made way for them and they walked in and they all went to sit down.
Vuyi: what about my son
Peters: mam your son escaped from the police transport that was taking him to the mental institution three days ago
Vuyi: what?
Peters: yes and few hours later he showed up at the hospital where Miss Marang Ndlovu was admitted but he ran away when security was called then today two hours ago he was found hanged in some apartment
Vuyi: ini? (what)
She said as she sat on the edge of the chair with her eyes popped out.
Moloi: im sorry mam but your son is dead and it looks like suicide
Vuyi: no no
She said getting up while holding her head shouting.
Vuyi: no not my son...not my....
She then hit the floor hard as she fainted and Detective Peters rushed to her while Detective Moloi called for an ambulance.



They whole family was sitting in the lounge waiting for the king to address them.
Q.Motlalepula: My King go diragala eng? ( what’s going on)
King: ke tshwere ditaba tse di botlhoko ( I have bad news)
He sighed looking down and he brushed the beard on his chin.
Elder1: Kwena go diragalang? ( Kwena what’s going on)
King: Qophelo tsala ya ga Tirelo onteleditse mogala, a re Tirelo.... (Qophelo, Tirelo’s friend called me and he said Tirelo.....)
Then the King sighed painfully and he clenched his jaws.
Q.Motlalepula: what about ngwanaake (my child)
She asked with her heart beating fast.....the previous night she had a bad dream where Richie was drowning and she couldn’t help him.
King: Tirelo o fitlhetswe a tlhabilwe ka thipa gape a loketswe ka fa gare ga butu ya koloi ya gagwe (Tirelo was found stabbed with a knife and he was stuffed inside the boot of his car)
Everyone: Eng? ( what?)
Q.Motlalepula: no no no
King: o tlhokahetse fela ge a fitlha sepetlele ( he died as soon as he reached the hospital)
Everyone started crying while the elders just looked down shaking their heads.
Q.Motlalepula: not my son....e seng Tirelo wame (not my Tirelo)
She said as she hysterically cried.
Q.Motlalepula: dira tsame  di fennye....baloi ba ba leng kgatlhanong le nna ba fitlhetse seo ba neng ba se batla.... ba bolaile mpolaetse ngwana! (my enemies have won.... witches who are against me have gotten what they’ve always wanted......they killed my child....they have killed my child!)
She said shouting hysterically and Queen Boitumelo tried to comfort her but she roughly pushed her away.
Q.Motlalepula: don’t touch me you sure you’re happy he’s dead....a kere wa gao ngwana wa bowa ( your son is coming back) so  im sure you send people to kill him fearing that he’ll challenge your useless son for the throne!
He warned her and Queen Boitumelo sadly got up and she asked permission from the king to leave and he sighed and granted it to her and she walked away while wiping her tears off.....she loved Richard as if she gave birth to him and the news that he’s gone hit her hard.....she walked out of the main house with her private maid and she went to her private house that was in the same yard as the main royal house and as soon as she got in she let it all out.



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