Chapter One

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It was barely second period before Evan had practically crashed into the toilet, fumbling about as he dives towards a toilet, feeling his throat be engulfed by a warm feeling. He never knew if he was going to throw up or not when this happened. But he didn't need something else to make him the laughing stock of the school.

Not that anyone said anything that he heard. But why wouldn't he be? He's the loner who can't even string a proper sentence to anyone who talked to him, not that it happened very often. The one who couldn't keep still, twitching his head all the time if anyone as little as looked at him.

Even the small smiles that people sent his way felt like they were mocking him. Like they were boasting about how great their life was compared to his. And they would be right.

"Hey, dude. Are you okay?" A voice calls from behind him, making him jump, his head smashing against the toilet seat.

"Yeah, I um Well, just felt" Evan begins to say but his voice quickly fades away. They didn't actually care. They just found him a nuisance, taking up a stall as he just hovered over the toilet. He didn't even dare turn around. He couldn't. He didn't want anyone to see how sad and pathetic he looked.

"Do you need the nurse or something?" The voice asks again. Evan just shakes his head, looking down at the small pool of water as he could faintly see his reflection.

"Okay." The voice says as he hears the footsteps retreat and the door into the toilet opening. He had no idea who had talked to him. He couldn't place their voice. But he was sure that they hadn't the faintest idea who Evan was. Could that of been his chance to maybe talk to someone. Ask them for help?

Who was Evan kidding. No one would actually help him. No one cared enough to help him. He knew that full well. Not even his teachers helped him when he was clearly struggling in class. His only friend... Family friend never batted an eye when he mocked Evan. His Mom was never home. He didn't even know why he carried on. He just felt so alone.

Would anyone even notice if he was gone?


After about twenty minutes, Evan quietly left the bathroom, trying to shrink himself so he didn't draw attention to himself. He looked around at everyone, and no one was looking. He didn't even know why he thought they would be.

As his eyes dart around, he felt his mind freeze as the one person that made his life ever so slightly was walking down the hall.

Zoe Murphy. The girl he for some reason thought would fix everything for him. The girl he thought that could help him, that could love him and care for him. But he wasn't even sure why he thought that. He hadn't even talked to her. Ever. He had tried too, so many times. He had been at football game just to see her play with the band. The way she carefully plucked on her guitar strings when she played, how absorbed she was into her music was one of the only things that brought Evan some sort of calmness.

Then his mind began to work again. And he notices that he had been staring at her the whole time she was walking down the hall. He knew that he must of looked like a stalker right now. How weird and disgusting he must seem to her. So he just span on his feet and looked at the wall.

For a split second, he thought he was going to look completely insane. That he was just stating at a wall, his hands tight around his own waist as he avoided even looking at Zoe. But for once, luck was on his side. He found his eyes scanning over what seemed to be s notice board. With all manners of extra curricular activities that went on in the school. Ranging from debate club, to cheerleading. He simply glanced over them, he had no intention getting his mind stuck into the hellhole of even considering any of these activities.

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