Chapter Two.

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Evan felt better as School went on. He had finally been able to talk to Zoe. Which felt amazing to him. And it didn't end all that badly. Surely that was a positive. He found himself constantly looking at his cast. It made him feel special. That she had signed his cast.  And made it so unique. Somehow she made such a horrible memory fade away with just her name.

But sadly it ended. And now he was spending his lunch in the Library. Sat in the corner on a small beanbag. There were others around, but no one had ever sat with him. But he wasn't all that concerned. It allowed him read. Something that always let him escape his life, even for an hour. And he didn't exactly have the money to constantly buy books, and he was always scared about the charge of returning a book late so he just read in the library. This book he had found just as he entered. It sounded interesting to him. Ready Player One. As he read it, it made him wish he could have the Oasis. Be able to escape his life and do whatever he wanted. Not be the anxiety filled teenager he was sadly stuck with.

"Oh, that's where the copy is." He hears a voice say, and he drops the book and finds someone he hadn't expected to find in here. Connor Murphy. "I've been looking for it all over." He tells Evan.

"I'm sorry." He says quickly and offers it him. He didn't want any trouble.

"No, it's okay. I've read it like fifty times already." Connor says, shaking his head, sliding his hand into his pockets. "So... um... What do you think to it?" He asks. His voice slightly strained, as if he wasn't sure if that's what he should say.

"Yeah, it's... It's good." Evan answers with a small smile.

"Makes you wish you were in there, right?" Connor asks, his voice shaking slightly. Even Evan had picked up on it. It was exactly like when he tried talking to people. Although Connor was doing much better than he usually does.

"Definitely." Evan chuckles slightly. "Being able to escape life for abit." He adds, trying to make it seems he's adding something to the conversation. Although he was sure that Connor was going to see he was useless at this.

"Can I sit?" Connor asks, completely surprising Evan. What was it with the Murphy's surprising him today? First Zoe, and now Connor. And he had to admit, he definitely didn't expect Connor to be like this. He didn't have the best reputation. But right now, he was nothing like people said he was like.

"You don't have too." Evan says quietly. "You don't wanna be seen with me."

"Well I doubt my reputation can tank any more." Connor jokes, trying to ease the Evan. And Evan couldn't help but laugh. Although instantly felt incredibly bad.

"I don't... I don't think of anything like people say." He felt he had to tell Connor. Although it was a lie. He had definitely expected this conversation to go differently. That Connor would go on a rampage when he found Evan with the book.

"Dude, it's cool." Connor tells him, plopping down on the yellow beanbag next to him. "I'd be surprised if you wasn't dubious about me. I've nearly kicked the shit out of Anderson that many times." Connor admits, seemingly shrinking away. He was embarrassed by his outbursts.

"Yeah, but he's a dick." Evan points out. His mouth working before his head. "Oh my god I am so sorry I shouldn't of said that." Evan adds quickly, ducking his head as he presses his hand on the back of his neck.

But Connor laughed. Giving Evan the courage to look up. "You are not wrong. Most of the school thinks he some sort of amazing guy. But you're right, he's a dick!" Connor says rather loudly.

"Murphy!" The Librarian whispers, although it was quite loud. "Mind your language."

"Sorry Miss Barbra." Connor says sheepishly, flashing a quick smile before returning his eyes to Evan. The look at each other for a few seconds before they burst into a fit of giggles. Evan found him hugging his stomach with his casted arm.

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