Chapter Eight

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Evan sat in his last lesson, his mind somewhat in what was being talked about but mostly it was far away. His mind was most preoccupied by his past few days. About how well they'd been for him. He'd at some point expected to wake up and find out it's all a dream, and he was waking up to his first day of school. Where Jared was still a dick to him, Connor would still push him around, and of course Zoe wouldn't even know he existed. And Lotus was all but a figment of his imagination.

But now, he had atleast somewhat accepted that it is all reality. That he now had friends. And not a 'family friend' as Jared would usually call the two. And he found himself being less anxious all the time. Granted, it was normally when Zoe was around, but it was progress.

"Mr. Hansen." The teacher calls, pulling Evan from his thoughts. "Why don't you tell me answer since you don't seem to be paying attention?" Evan quickly scanned the question that was written on the board.

"587." He answered without thinking. The teachers face widen in surprise as she nods slowly.

"Yes, well, well done Evan." The teacher tells him, flashing a very quick smile. Evan was just as surprised as the teacher. Not because he knew the answer, maths came really easy for him, but how he answered. He would usually stutter as he tried to come up with some reply, but this time he answered. It might seem small to some people, but to him, it felt incredibly good.

The rest of the lesson went on as normal, where he would just let everyone answer, although this time he made sure he paid attention. As good as it felt answering, he didn't want to tempt fate.

As he leaves the class, he feels two hands gently clap his shoulders, then felt a weight hit the back of him. He nearly collapsed to the floor, but he managed to keep his footing as he felt legs snake around his waist. He grabbed them and looked over his shoulder, long hair obscuring his view but is met by the smell of strawberry perfume.

"Hey Zoe." Evan chuckles.

"Damn, how did you know it was me?" Zoe asks as she jumps off his back. And Evan felt a quick surge of panic rush through him. He couldn't answer with the smell of her perfume, as it would seem incredibly creepy that he'd know what she smelt like. Or that he was even smelling her.

"Well, I mean Jared is alot heavier than you, and he would topple me. And you know, Connor isn't exactly the touchy type of person. Or atleast I don't think he is. I could be wrong. And my only other friend is someone from the internet, and an Email can't jump on your back." Evan answers quickly.

"When you talk that fast, do you ever give yourself time to breathe?" Zoe teases as Evan lets out a huge breath.

"Not really." Evan admits, ducking his head down as he scratches the back of his neck. Zoe chuckles as she shakes her head.

"So, you need a lift home?" She asks.

"I wouldn't want to trouble you, Zoe." Evan replies, but Zoe waves her hand in the air as she rolls her eyes.

"Trouble smouble." Zoe tells him as she slides her arm through his. Evan was still getting use to how tactile Zoe was. Always touching him, or finding excuses too. He had seen it with her other friends, but he was still not use to it with himself yet. "And, I was thinking we could hang out for abit. I want to see where Evan Hansen grew up."

"Oh, I dunno Zoe. My mom will be home, and she will ask, like a tonne of questions. And I don't know if that's best. If I haven't scared you off, she sure will." He responds.

"I can handle a few questions, Evan. Although can you handle me seeing all your cute baby photos?" She teases before dragging him out of the school.

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