my Panic Attack

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A/n: this one is about how you need to be careful who you tell your secrets to just enjoy plz

ya'll think that all the  people that you meet is nice well some of them are  yeah but some arent  i really don't remember what day it was but  it was the worst day of my life, so i went to school with this guy named Delano :) my crush and idk how or why but my brain is just like yes i'm around him a lot so i like him and i told my friend keyaira and she said she wouldn't tell anyone i also get pissed of easily  so yeah and when we had a big big fight i told her i didn't and to  see her in my life again and she needs to go away, so in STAC she apparently said if i don't stop being mean to her she will give me pain and that's what she did give me a panic attack at lunch she told him that i like him and she didn't even give two shit's  so he came in the classroom at one point and is just says hi to the boys in the class so i hid under my jacket until he was gone holy crap you don't know how quick i got under that jacket i almost spilled my food.

and yes that was the biggest panic attack i ever had even my mom was worried  BE CAREFUL



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