day 3 Nov 22 2021@_@

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hey i think my friends hates me here's why

so it was the beginning of last period and we were packing up to go to gym and me and my friends Jorden,  Ezy ,Ne-yo  were all talking and they keep teasing me saying that i'm going to get engaged to  him/Jorden, so you know what I tell them i say "hey hey i ain't gonna get engaged to him or married to him bcuz i'm gayyy  so fuck off"(when i mean gay i mean bisexual) everyone went  quiet then Ezy says "nahhh that's some bullshit  you like him" then i go up to Ezy and say "i am fucking gay/bisexual to tell you the truth to me none of ya'll are attractive to me for other yeah i think  but any other  person TO ME! like doja cat is attractive another boy that i'm not saying is really attractive so yeah go fuck yourselves like jeez" they ask me a bunch  of questions about my crush as they try to guess Ezy: "is he white or black?" , Ne-yo: "is he tall of short?" , Jorden: "is he in your friends JaZzY AnD aLeXiS class?"  i say " ok ok i'll answer ok Ezy he is black Ne-yo he is tall and Jorden he is actually  *my thoughts * oh shit i think there going to know after all the hints i gave them*  But they didn't guess his name HaHa. also since i never told them my crush they didn't talk to me  in gym:( i also almost got sexually assaulted  by keyaira i did nothing to her tho oh well  you know what she did she grabbed me and i tried to get away but she didn't let go of me she almost put me in her lap also after that when we were all standing she walked past me and smacked my ass,  i think she's GAYY:) anyways im going to read more story's byeee

the gay kids in my class Ne-yo and Luke his boyfriend ;)



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