speed is that u?

3 0 1

A/N : so the guy was talking about he was the one who liked me and still does :] enjoy

     So i'm at school and it's lunch let me tell you the groups there are , 1. the boys loud, roudy , and act gay  then there's 2. the quiet girls there to quiet , always hatting on people and shit , use snapchat filters to much  then there's my group me and my bestie's loud Sometimes  , weird as some kids call us , crazy , and don't give two shits about anyone.

    So one of the kids from the 'boys group' likes me let's refure him to speed / ishowspeed video at the top if you don't know him anyways he calls my over and asked me who i like i said no one then he said well i like u , i was shocked cuz no one i met actually liked me in bf/gf way but before lunch in math cuz the math teacher was away we got to sit wherever we wanted and we got to talk to ppl so he sat behind me and was tryin to get my attention by pulling my hair.

         I turn around to see him smirking at me and told my to come sit w him so i sit beside him and he took out a paper he found in my friends desk and wrote 'who do you like i'll tell u after ' so i wrote down on one and he frowned i said "what?" then he wrote on the back 'i like u' .

     I look at him shocked cuz i never got told that irl before so then we had this LONG ASS TALK until the bell rang .

     The next couple of weeks we couldn't keep our eyes off of each other once i was staring and my friend leaned over and said "i caught you in 4K staring at **** is he your boyfriend??" that snapped me out of my thinking cuz my mind was all over the place at the time.

                          { TODAY}

     So today i was sitting in math and he was trying to talk to me but no talking just lip thingy and i was staring at his lips trying to understand what he was saying but i finally understood what he said he said "after school u want to kiss?" and i said yes cuz that was my one opportunity 

     As soon as the bell rang to go home he dashed out the door and i never even got to say goodbye :/  i never told my mum cuz well if i told her i would get grounded and never get a phone again soo i aint telling nothing 

     When i got outside i tried looking for him but my bestie RR stopped me and hugged me so i never got the time to tell him where to meet me at so :/ 

well i'm going to bed now so gn/gm whatever time it is for you byeeee <3 

507 words +



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