day 2 Nov 17 2021:)

15 0 0

A/n: i had another mini panic attack :) and talked to my crush<3 

hey ok were going to start of at lunch the bell rings to go inside and the other kids come outside, me and two other girls Katie and Mira ran to the door.... ok BEFORE THAT we were outside doing crazy shit  and Katie comes up to me and say's "look Annie you're crush DeLaNO is looking out the window i bet he's looking at us" so i start to panic and we all run into the tree's we all started to  climb the tree and the teacher was walking towards us  and we all ran away until she yelled to all four of us me , Katie, Mira and Isabella   she yelled at us and threatened to call the principal on us to tell you the truth that guy scares me anyways while she was yelling i was slowly walking away but she didn't even look at me so i walked away *back to the part i was saying after all of this happend* me and Mira and Katie waited for the other kids to come out and the first person who came out was Delano and he told me to move my fat ass so  like the bitch i am i said "go suck a D you gay ni****a  (yes i'm black) this guy chased me around but yet still i out ran him  i ran past my friends  and they were surprised  i survived  

this is why i love school:)



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