cheater :(

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A/n: this one is about how i got cheated on by my girlfriend piper 😔

OK so this starts of with me at my cousins  house and she is playing music or watching some live and i'm on my phone with my new friend we talked for a bit and then she asked me $do you want to be my girlfriend?$ i said yes and for hours we were on the phone  until i was ready to go home but we were going to a party in Barrie  it was a one hour drive not that long so i told her that i would be out and i couldn't talk bcuz i never told my mom and i was never aloud on my phone at party's unless its important. when we get back i try texting her but i soon found out she blocked me i was broken for dayssss  until she texted me back "hey Annie i'm soo sorry i didn't know what i was doing plz forgive me" i didn't know what to say so i asked my bestie's  Sav and Jazzy they both said don't do it so i didn't and i just blocked her and yeah.

sorry this is so short i need to get ready 



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