gjbnjkbgnjk >:)

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A/N: im sorry but ahghhhhhhhh

So i was at school and it was lunch and i was sitting w my best friend lets call her Emma so me and Emma were sitting at her desk and talking then she said "uhh-Annie look behind you..." so i look behind me and i see dallis :/ (boy who almost broke my ankle) yea and he asked me if he can CHOKE ME i said "w-what did you say" he said it again and me and Emma looked at each other and i said "i don't know ?" my dumb-ass thinking he would go away but no he put his arm around my neck and choked me it hurt a bit but after i couple of seconds i well let out a QUIET moan witch he HAD to hear :/ after i covered my mouth and said "you better keep your mouth shut " i only moaned cuz i have a choking kink WHAT A KINK TO HAVE  



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