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Hello, I was bored and decided to write this.

TW!! Child abuse

Itachi Uchiha was considered the perfect son. A prodigy. His younger brother Sasuke always looked up to him. He was only 11 years old.


Itachi was already ready for school and was waiting in front of the front door, waiting for Sasuke so they could ride the bus to school together. "Hurry up Sasuke, we're going to be late."

"I'm coming!" said Sasuke. He slipped his shoes on and ran out the door to catch up to his big brother.

The bus was more crowded than usual.


"Itachi Uchiha? Sorry if I mispronounced your name, I'm really trying." Itachi sighed and replied with an un-energetic 'here' .She did mispronounce his name. Most teachers do. Its not that hard to pronounce either.

The rest of the day they did icebreakers and 'fun' activities. Itachi thought that this was all dumb, why should he participate in icebreakers if he was barley going to interact with most of his classmates? And none of the activities were fun to him, they only played children's games and they were 5th graders for God's sake.

During lunch, Itachi sat at the very loud 5th grade lunch table. He was feeling overwhelmed by all the noise and couldn't eat, so he went to eat outside, where you can eat wherever you want. He went to an area at the side of the school that he spent the last 2 years in alone.

As he was heading to his favorite spot, he heard loud arguing and crying. Itachi sighed and wondered why this year was going so badly for him on the very first day.

Itachi decided after a few seconds that he was going to check what was going on. He peeked reluctantly around the corner. He recognized two boys in his class, they had a short blond girl he never saw before pinned to the wall with their fists. Maybe she was in a different class, or maybe she was in a lower grade, she seems younger.

"You little freak! Are you mocking me?" Said one of the boys.

"Please!" Stuttered the young girl. "Leave me alone, un."

"Shut up!" Said boy number two, before punching the girl in the face. He dropped her to the ground and started to kick her, the first boy joining in shortly after.

Itachi didn't know what got into him at that moment. He just couldn't control his movements.  He dropped his lunch and ran towards the two bullies. He tackled the first one to the ground, away from the girl. He started punching him uncontrollably. The second boy started to yell and tried to pull Itachi away from his friend.

"What is going on here!"


A teacher caught them and made them sit in the office to get checked for injuries while she called their parents.

Itachi was sitting on one of the nurse's beds staring down at his lap. He was scared. Would this ruin his 'perfect' image? He never got into physical fights before. He looked up to look at the girl across from him, who turned out to be a boy, named Deidara. Deidara smiled and mouths a small thanks to Itachi.


"Itachi, how could you do something like this?!"

"You'll ruin our reputation Itachi!"

" Itachi, you're such a good boy, don't ever do something like this again."

"Why would you meddle in someone else's business Itachi? You could've just walked off."


It didn't take me that long to write this, and its kind of short with 600+ words. Should I do  long chapters, which will take longer to come or short chapters, with faster updates?

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