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No one answered the phone when the teachers called home.

Deidara's foster dad was probably hungover right now. Maybe he was still drinking. Deidara knew that that man didn't give a damn about him, or the two other kids. He's just happy he's getting paid to take care of kids he's not actually taking care of.

Deidara was not an orphan. Or at least he thinks he's not. His parents left him on the side of the road 2 states over when Deidara was 6. He never saw them again since.

Nathan was the first time Deidara had been with a foster parent for more than a few weeks. Deidara and his two foster siblings, Kurosuchi and Akatsuchi, who were fraternal twins, lived with Nathan for 11 months already, and it didn't look like he wanted to adopt them at all.

That was a good thing Deidara supposed. He didn't want to stay with Nathan at all, but he was better than his last foster mom, who hit him.

Nathan hadn't laid a finger on any of them so far but he yelled. Alot. Child protective services were suspicious of Nathan anyways, because of the bruises Deidara got from constant bullying and harassment from older kids at school.

Speaking of bullying, Deidara couldn't stop thinking about that boy who saved him. Itachi Uchiha. He wondered why a random boy who he never spoke with before, and was a grade higher than him, would ever stand up for him.

Deidara didn't have any friends, and Itachi was the nicest person closest to age with him at school, so he decided to ask him to be friends with him the next day.

Deidara could barely sleep that night because of the excitement.


"Get up lazy ass, you don't know how late you are for school!" Deidara woke up to the sound of his giant, loud, 'dad'. Like usual of course.

"I'm up" Deidara said with a raspy voice. He really didn't want to get out of bed, but when he remembered Itachi he instantly shot out of bed.

He went to the bathroom and washed up, brushing his teeth, washing his face, and combing his shoulder length hair. He had bangs, like the basic kind that most people have, but he decided he wanted to grow it out, along with his hair. He would have to be really patient though, because his hair always grows slowly.

Deidara got dressed as quickly as he could; he was already late and wanted breakfast. He changed our of his pajamas to a dress with shorts under. Deidara isn't exactly sure why or when he started to dress like a girl, but he liked it that way, and it didn't make him any less of a boy.

Deidara rushed downstairs and saw that his siblings weren't there.

"The other two already ate and left. The bus left you you know. That's what you get for not getting up earlier you fairy." Explained Nathan.

Deidara ignored him, as he usually does. He grabbed an apple and walked out the door. He could definitely walk the 5 miles to school. He'd done it once before and survived, even if he was a completely out of breath and extremely late.

It had only been 10 minutes when Deidara's legs started to itch. Then five minutes later they started to burn. He decided to ignore it and kept going, even if his backpack started to feel heavy, as if someone dumped rocks into it.

It was when Deidara was only half a mile from the school when he tripped. He scraped his knee. There was no blood at least. No one was around because of how late he was, but he used up all his willpower to hold his tears back anyways. He tried standing back up and fell back down.

"Hey, are you ok?" Said a terrible, familiar voice. It was Aaron. One of his bullies.

Deidara just stayed silent; he would cry if he tried to speak. But he did give Aaron a dirty look.

"Hey don't look at me like that!" Said Aaron, lifting his arms as if Deidara was the police. "I don't feel like doing anything to you today. Actually I never wanted to bother you anyways, my brothers are way smaller than me, but even I'm afraid of them."

That might be true. Deidara always sees Aaron getting ordered around by his brothers, and he never actually did anything to him. He wasn't even there in the alleyway the other day. That didn't mean that Deidara would like him now though.

Aaron sat down right next to Deidara and started complaining right away. "Hey did you know that my brothers were suspended yesterday for a week along with some Japanese goody two shoes that beat them up? They said they did nothing so why should they get in trouble?"

Deidara felt his heart drop. The one who he had wanted to be friends with wasn't even here? For the whole week?!

"Shut up," said Deidara, while choking up a little bit. "Itachi did nothing, except protect me from your stupid brothers who were bothering me for no reason like always. They deserve more time then Itachi because they were the one who started everything in the first place!"

Aaron quietly watched Deidara, who had tears streaming down his face at this point. He had his hands covering his face and his knees on the floor, seemingly forgetting about his scraped knee.

Aaron awkwardly put his arms around Deidara, who just swatted him away.

"Man your knees are bleeding!" Exclaimed Aaron.

"Do not touch me!" Said Deidara.

Aaron kept trying to reason with Deidara and saying that Deidara should go home to get a band-aid or something.

"I can't go home! Nathan would yell at me"

Aaron doesn't say anything. He just picks up Deidara and starts running in the opposite direction of the school. Deidara obviously started protesting, yelling and even was kicking a little bit before he realized that hurt his knees.

1k+ words! That's a lot if you ask me. Sorry that there's no itadei yet. I guess this is a slow burn. And my OC, Aaron, is kind of a love rival? I don't think I'll make Deidara catch feelings for him that much. Unless you guys want me to. For more plot, because idk. 😩

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