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Just a Little Preview For This Story.and Also Testing New Writing Formats.


Kanto Region/Professor Cerise's Lab.

As The Sun Shining on The Kanto Region.We're in Professor Cerise Laboratory.inside The Pokemon Sanctuary,We Could See a Young Boy Training With His Pokemon Which is a Lucario and a Pikachu.This Young Boy Goes By The Name Ash Ketchum.a 14 Years old Boy From Pallet Town That Has Dreams To Be a Pokemon Master.

"Pikachu Use Thunderbolt.Lucario Intercept it With Aura Sphere!" Ash Ordered.

Pikachu Chirps and Fires Thunderbolt While Lucario Charge up Aura Sphere and Intercept it Creating an Explosion.

"Great Job You Two,Soon Enough we're able To Get to The Master Class" Ash Said as He Look at His Brand new Mega Evolution Gloves.

"Let's Continued Our Training" Ash Said.

Pikachu and Lucario Reply with A Nodded Bark and Chirp.

To Their Surprise,Their Training was Interrupted By One of Ash's Companion Named Chloe Cerise.

"Ash! There's a Letter For You" Chloe Said as He Approaching Ash.

"Oh Hey Chloe, You're Back From School.and a Letter For Me?" Ash ask after He Greeted Chloe.

"Yeah,here" Chloe Said as He Giving The letter To Ash.

Ash Inspect The Letter Trying To Know Where It Came From.

"Where did You Get This?" Ash ask.

"I Check The Mail Box Everytime I Came Home and Find This Letter For 'Ash Ketchum' " Chloe Explain.

"By The Way,Where Goh?" Chloe Ask.

"Oh He's Feeding The Pokemon's On The Other Side" Ash Reply.

"Well I'll Leave Your Letter To You Then.I Need To Change Clothes" Chloe Said Goodbye To Ash and Leaves.

"I Wonder What's in This Letter" Ash Murmured as He Look at The Letter.

"Pika pika?" Pikachu Ask as He Jumps To Ash's Shoulder.

"I don't Know.wanna Open it?" Ash ask His Yellow Friend.

"Pikachu" Pikachu Reply With a Nod.

"Well Ok Then.Lucario Return" Ash Said As He Pulls out a Pokeball and Returns Lucario.

After Ash Returns Lucario,He Goes Back Inside The Lab and Goes Upstairs To His and Goh's Room.

Ash Sits Down on a Chair With a Table In Front of Him.

"Ok,Let's See What's Inside" Ash Said as He Opens The Letter.

Ash Reads The Letter and was Surprise To See It was From The International Police With a Golden Pokeball Logo on It.

"The International Police?!? What do They Want From Me?" Ash Said Surprised.

After Ash Recover From The Shock He Started To Read The Letter.

"Ash Ketchum From Pallet Town.
You amongst a Few other People Has Been Chosen By The International Police To Join Government Project Called Project Guardian.We Hope You Accept This Invitation Because The World Needs You.

From Looker.

P.s:Meet Me at an Alley way Cafe Near The Pokemon Center at 03:20 pm For Further Details.and Don't Bring anyone With you"

"Project Guardian? What a Lame Name.Is it Like Project Mew? And Looker? haven't Seen Him For a Long Time" Ash Said While he was Somewhat Confused.

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