The Average Day

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2 Months After The Last Chapter

Everything Has Been Going Smoothly For The Last 2 Month.Even though There's Still Argument Here and There But it wasn't as Bad as last Year and The Team Is Getting Stronger and Stronger.Ash and Red Have Been to a Special Training in The Weekends On The Upper Floor Which Is Kept Secret From The Others.When Its Not In The Weekend.Ash,Red,Calem,Ethan,Brendan,Lucas,Hilbert,Nate,Sun and Victor Just Train Together With Their Pokemon.Their Training Include Team Cooperation,Physical Fitness Training,First aid,Basic Survival,Basic Engineering,Obstacles Course Training.They Even Play an Airsoft Battle Sometimes.Lucas and Brendan when They're Not Training.They Do Research and Inventing on Some New Stuff.Brendan is Working On a Helper Robot That May Help The Team Managing Their Part Of The Facility Better By Cleaning,Cooking you Know The Usual House Keeping Stuff.Victor Sometimes Teaches The Other on How To Cook, Even though His Cooking Skills isn't as Good As Cilan,Brock or Mallow But He's Still Does a Decent Job.Hilbert and Nate When They're Not In Training Hours, They Usually Hang Out In The Firing Range Testing Different Types Of Weapon That The International Police Create or Just Practicing Their Aim.Meanwhile Calem and Ethan Does Some Combat Training in The Training Room Or Doing Chores.They Usually Get Accompany by Ash and Red When Its Not The Weekend.

Now Let's See What an Average Day In The Base Looks Like.

Kanto Region/Centerpoint Station/07:10 am.


"Good Morning Mount Silver!" Sun Said as He Steps Out From His Room.

*Yawns* "Morning" Calem Said Still Sleepy While Also Coming Out of His Room.

"Morning Guys" Ash Said Coming out of His Room Stretching.

"Top of The Morning Lads!" Victor Said Coming out of his Room.

"Morning!" Hilbert and Nate Said While Both Coming out of Their Room

"Good Morning Guys" Red Said as He Comes Out From His Room.

"Morning" Ethan Said Coming out of his Room.

"Morning Everyone" Brendan and Lucas Said both Coming out from Their Room.

"Nice.Everyone's Already Wake Up" Ash said.

"What Day is it again?" Calem ask.

"Its Saturday" Lucas Reply.

"Looks Like we had A lot of Stuff To do" Red Said.

"Well Let's Start our Day with The Usual" Hilbert Said.

Everyone Nodded and Goes To The Kitchen To get Some Morning Drinks.afterwards They Wear Their Training Suit and Leaves To The Elevator Each Having Their own Access Card.They Go Downward towards the Foot of The Mountain.Once The Elevator Door Opens,They Go Through The Bunker System until They're In front of The Bunker Gate.Which They Meet an Officer.

"Ah Guardian.The Usual Jog Down The Mountain?" The Guy Said.

"Yup" Ash said

"Ok I'll Open The Gate Got You Guys.Wait a Sec" The Guy Said.

"Thanks Shepherd" Red Said.

"You're Welcome.Have Fun" Shepherd Said as He Press a Button that Opens The Bunker Door/Gates.

Once All of Them Step Outside The Bunker.They Immediately Gets Hit By The Fresh Air of Mt silver.

"Its Cold.Especially in The Morning" Brendan Said.

"Come on,The Air Will be Warmer as we get Lower From The Mountain" Ash said.

"Do we Really have To Go Up and Down The Mountain?" Lucas Ask while Sweatdrop.

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