Act-1/Chapter-2/Sun Shines

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Alola Region/Melemele Island/06:49 am

We Continue on Our Heroes Crusades after an Overnight Flight From Kalos To Alola They've Finally Reach Their Destination and Were Getting Out of The Airport.

"Ahh Finally The Fresh Morning Air of The Alola Region" Ash said as He Takes a Deep Breath.

"Ugh Why is It So Hot Here" Calem Said while Tugging His Jacket.

"Uhh Welcome To Alola? Dude Its a Tropical Region Of Course is Hot But in a Good Way.Either You Get Used To It Or Get Rid Of That Jacket To Cool yourself down" Ash Said.

"Oh Really? Didn't Notice" Calem Said With a Sarcastic Tone.

"I Think You're Just Not Happy With The Landing" Ash Said.

"Oh I'm Happy With Landing.I'm Just Not Happy With The Flight Because its Hard To Sleep Last Night" Calem Said.

"Well You Got a Point" Ash Said.

Then Suddenly Ash's Rotom Phone Starts Ringing.

"Hello?" Ash Said as He Pick up The Call.

"Ash its Me Looker" Looker Said Through The Call.

"Oh Its You Again,What is It Now?" Ash Said.

"Well I see That You already Pick up Calem X am I Right?" Looker ask


"Yeah He's Here" Ash Said While Sweatdropping.

"Good,I'm Guessing You're Searching For The Person That's on Alola Right now?" Looker Said.

"Yeah Where's is He?" Ash Said.

"He's in His House.His House is Near Iki Town on Route One.It Should Be Easy To Find" Looker Said.

"Ok Looker, Is That All?" Ash ask.

"Yup.Now Good Luck on The Next Guy" Looker Said as He Cuts The Call.

"Wait,How Does He Know That We're in Alola?" Ash ask.

"Oh Yeah" Calem Said.

"I'm actually Convince That He Has Someone Spying on us Right now" Ash Said With a Sweatdrop.

"Yup" Calem said While Sweatdropping after He Sees A Camera Peeking out of a Tree.

"Well Let's Get Going Then.after This we have To Go To Unova" Ash Said.

Calem Reply with a Nod and The Two Of Them Starts Walking To Iki Town With Meowstic and Pikachu Following Them.

30 Minutes later.

Ash and Calem Finally Reach Their Destination and Currently Walking To The Doorstep.

"Are You Sure This is The House?" Calem Said While Whispering.

"I don't know.Looker Didn't Give me Enough Details" Ash Whispers Back.

"What if Its The Wrong House?" Calem Said.

"Just Trust me on This ok" Ash Said.

"Fine" Calem Said.

Ash Goes To The Door and Knocks on it While Calem Standing Behind Him.


They Can Heard Someone Walking To The Door and Eventually That Someone Opens The Door.

The Door Opens To Reveal a Girl a Round Their Age.She Has black hair, with a bang aligned to the left. She has pale skin and slate-grey eyes.wears a red flower-like toque on top of her head. Her clothes consist of a loose light cream colored t-shirt with light pink and gold flower patterns spread across it that is tied at the bottom and small teal shorts. Noticeably, the white color of a bra or tank top is visible under her left arm. On her feet, she wears red and black shoes with large yellow laces and Have a Rowlet Sleeping On Her Head.

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