Eyes Up Guardian

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1 Year Later

Kanto Region/Mount Silver Facility/07:21 am.



I Open My Eyes and Immediately Get off The Bed.

"The Day Is Finally Here!" I said while Stretching.

Today we're finally gonna be Official International Police agents.Or In This Case 'Guardians'. after 1 Year Of Hardcore and Special Training We're Finally able To Go on Missions,Expeditions and Operations.
Its Beginning To Be Boring in This Facility. Come to Think of It, I Made a Lot of Progress In Just 1 Year. I've Learn a Lot Since I Train Here, even Pick up some new Skills Like Engineering and Computer Science. I Guess That's What me and Red Are Train For. Me and Red Being The Leader of The Team, Possess the Jack-of-all-Trade or Wildcard ability. Versatility is Probably Our Main Goal, Having Knowledge/Ability Across Multiple Fields Is Very Useful. Sure I'm Not As Smart as Lucas and as Creative as Brendan But Yet I Understand what They're Saying. Most of the Time at least.

Usually Our Training Consist of Battle Simulations, Where Looker Will Simulate Every Type Of Situations and Environment.and Every End Of The Month,Looker Will Test Our Training In a Game Called Breakthrough.The Objective Is To Capture The Flag Which Is Usually On The High Grounds Behind Hundreds of Enemies.We Start From The Bottom and Make Our Way Up Fighting Countless Simulations Enemies and Pokemons.In our First Few Months,We Could Even Move Up The Terrain and Made Very Little Progress,Mainly Because The Lack of Teamwork.Everyone Keeps Getting In Their Own Ways and Sometimes They Interrupt Each Other.But In The End after 11 Months,We Finally Reach The Flag.

The Way We Do This Is By Separating Our Team Into Classes and Specialist.By The Looks Of It,Looker Seems To Agree With This Class and Specialist System.
There's 5 Class That We Made.That Being:Assault,Support,Engineer,Enforcer and Recon.

Assault Is The Balance Of Offense and Defense Style.Engineer,just as the name implies. The main role of the Engineer is to Help The Team using various gadgets and Equipment.For Support, They help The Team survive and thrive. They keep teammates in the fight longer with rapid revives and health replenishing Medical Equipments and Gadgets.For Enforcers, They're The Heavy Hitters of The Team.Capable Dealing Massive Damages To The Enemies and Crowd Control.Lastly Recon,The Recon Cast Shadows Over any Battlefield.Recon Has 2 Subclasses Which Is Scout and Stealth.Scouts Helps The Team By Focusing On Reconnaissance and Relaying Information To all Teammates.While Stealth Choose a More Offense Style by Assassinating Enemies Without Notice.

With That We Already Give Each other a Role and Class Of The Team

First is Lucas, He Has a Tendency to Over-Explained Simple Things, and That Really Makes Him Look Like a Nerd Especially When He Started To Wear Glasses Now. Well after all, Lucas IS the Brain of The Group. The Second is Brendan. Lucas Skills,Knowledge and ability Can not be Underestimated. He Could Memorize Every Book Titles in a Library Shelf Just By Taking a Single Gaze At it. Lucas even get Considered To be One of the Top Scientist in interpol. But Not Everything is Perfect about him, he's Very Bad at Working in The Fields and He's Not Very Athletic Either. He Preferred To Help the Team By Being a Recon Class Rather Than Being in the Front line. Lucas Can't Even Use Guns. Speaking of Guns, Lucas and Brendan Invented a alternative way for an Environment Friendly Firearms. Instead of Using Bullets, the Guns Use Plasma as a Projectile. Its Way More Environment Friendly Than Using Bullets.

Second is Brendan, He Is The Second Smartest.He's Not Smarter Than Lucas But His Engineering Skills are Way Better Than Lucas. Brendan Unlike Lucas,He's Considered To Be a Engineer Class.He Helps The Team By Resupplying Teammates,Deploying Turrets,Providing Cover Using His Particle Shields, Deploying all Sorts Of Gadgets That May Help The Team.  One of His Greatest Invention Is M.R.V.N Or Called Marvin.Marvin Is a Robot AI That Helps Us Doing Chores Like Laundry,Cleaning,Washing, You Know Basic Chores around The Safehouse.

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