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Kanto Region/Pallet Town/01:03 pm.

After Ash,Hilbert,Nate,Calem and Sun arrive at Vermilion City Port In The Morning,They Stay There For a While To Eat Breakfast and After That They Took The Bus That Headed Towards Pallet Town.Now They Are Currently Getting out of The Bus Stop.

"Here We are Boys" Ash Said.

"Man,That was a Long Ride" Calem Said While Stretching His Back and Arms.

"It wasn't That Bad.I Get To Enjoy The View" Nate said.

"Easy For You To Say.You Sit Near The Window" Hilbert Said.

"So This is Your Home Town?" Sun ask.

"Yup.but My House and Professor Oak's Lab is Still a Couple Minutes of Walking away from here" Ash said.

"Pika-Pi" Pikachu Said while Pointing Down The Road.

"Come Guys,Let's Go To Professor Oak's Lab" Ash said.

Everyone Nodded and Starts Walking To The Road.

While Walking Ash's Rotom Phone Starts Rigging.

"Zzzt Ash,You got a Call From Looker Zzzt" Rotom Said.

"What Does He want Now?" Calem ask While Sweatdrop.

"Hello Looker" Ash said while Picking up The Call.

"Ash,I assume You already Have Calem,Sun,Hilbert and Nate with You am I Right?" Looker Said.

"Yeah" Ash said.

"Well Continue Walking Down The Road To Professor Oak's Lab and You Will meet a Guy Name Red" Looker Said.

"Wait Red!?! Red From Pallet Town?" Ash ask.

"Yup,Him.and Some other More Guys.Oh also There's a Surprise in Professor Oak's Lab" Looker Said

"Got it Looker" Ash said.

"See You Later Ash" Looker Said as he Cut The Call.

"There's a Surprise In The Lab?!?" Nate Asked excitingly.

"Yup" Ash said

"Hey Ash,Who's Red?" Sun ask.

"He's The Neighbors Kid.I don't Usually Hang out with Him but I Know him" Ash Reply.

"So a Couple More Peoples Huh? I hope we get Along Well" Nate said.

"Maybe if You Have Some Manners you Can Get along With Them" Calem Said.

"Really Calem!?! This again? This Is The Fifth Time You Bring That Subject!" Sun Said.

"I'm Just Saying" Calem Said While Shrugging.

"You're Just Soo Entitled aren't You.That Everything Have To Go Your way" Nate Said.

"Say That Again" Calem Said While Glaring.

"Can You Guys Shut Up!" Hilbert Said in a Annoyed Tone.

Ash Sighs and Said.

"This Whole Team Thing Is Never Gonna Work" Ash said While FacePalm.

Meanwhile On another Road That's Heading Towards Pallet Town.

We Could See 2 People Who are Walking To The Same Destination As Ash's Group.

The One Leading on The Front wears a black long Sleeves shirt with a red Coat with white pockets, dark blue jeans with blue flame details on them, and new sneakers that match his clothes. He also wears a Mega Ring and carries a blue backpack.

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