When Hell Freezes over.

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Wtf am I Even Doing? Posting a Christmas Episode 3 Days Late!

Merry Christmas I Guess.or Happy Holidays.

Kanto Region/Mt.Silver Facility/06:32 am.

6 Months Later.Ash and His Gang Of Protagonist Still Had Little Progress with Their Training In The Facility.They But They Renovate Some of the Rooms.Now Their Floor Has a Game Lounge,a Small Library,Small Workshop Near The Gym Downstairs,a Lab Also Downstairs,And Don't Forget...Hilbert's Gun Vault.They also Customized Their Own Rooms Each Representing Their Character and Having a PC In Them.Even Though They Seem To Have a Lot of Progress on Their Floor But There's One Thing They Lack......and That is Organizing.

It was a Peaceful Morning In Our Heroes Floor Until.


Sun and Nate Burst out of Their Rooms From The Hallway And Shout.

"ITS CHRISTMASSSS!" Sun and Nate. Shouts.

"Did Somebody Say Christmas?!?" Hilbert Pops out From His Room With a Santa Hat Excitingly.

"You Goddamn Right Its Christmas!" Ethan Pops Out From His Room Excitingly.

"Come On Let's Wake Up The Others" Sun Said.

They all Nodded and Wakes Up The Others Except For Ash and Calem.

In Calem's Room,We Could See Sun Sneaking Towards Calem and Said

"Yo Calem Wake Up Its Christmas!" Sun Said as He Aggressively Shaking Calem.

Calem Just Groans And Cover Himself With His Blanket.

"WAKE UP!" Sun Said While Shaking Calem Aggressively.

"Oh mon dieu va te faire foutre" Calem Murmured.

"What was That?" Sun Asked.

"Shut up" Calem Murmured Annoyingly.

Sun Grabs one of The Pillow and Said "OI WAKE UP B*TCH!" as He Hit Calem Using The Pillow.

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Calem Shouts.

"I'll be There In A Sec" Calem said After He Sighs.

"Ok" Sun Said As he Leaves The Room.

"Goddammit why did I Join This Team In The First Place" Calem Said as He Gets Up From The Bed and Stretching.

Change Scene To Sun.

When Sun Comes Out From Calem's Room,He Could See That Everyone is Already Awake But Still In Their Pijama.

"Did You Get Calem?" Hilbert Asked.

"He'll Be Here In a Sec" Sun said.

"Yo Red,Where's Ash? I thought You Supposed To Wake him up" Ethan Asked.

"He's a Heavy Sleeper.I Tried.anyways I'll Meet You Guys In The Louge" Red Said as He Leaves The Hallway.

"I'm Going With Red" Victor Said.

"Me Too" Brendan Said.

"Same" Ethan Said.

"You Guys Wanna Wake Up Ash?" Lucas Asked.

"Let's Bang Him" Nate Said as He Pulls Out a Flashbang.

"That Sounds Weird In Different Context But Yeah Let's Do it" Hilbert Said

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