~week 8 training

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"JOSHUA BASSETT" Ellie excitedly said as he walked in the room

"JHEEZ your excited" he said startled

"We're in the semi final" she jumped saying and hugging him

"I know i can't believe it" josh hugged her back

The camera crew arrived and started filming the twos conversation

"Semi finals baby" Ellie said high fiving josh

"You know it" josh said

"So this week is different, we have two dances to learn, our first dance is the samba so you need to get them hips back out." Ellie said

E"And what's the second dance" josh asked

"American Smooth" Ellie replied

"Gorgeous, I love watching the others" josh replied

The camera crew left shortly after and the two started rehearsing their samba

"Will we be rehearsing longer? Because of two dances" josh asked her

"Maybe a bit, but we'll split the day in two and do two full runs for both at the end" Ellie replied

about two hours later samba training was going great, "hips out, hips out" Ellie said

"Hips are a bit rusty" josh laughed

"Go back to the salsa, we want them like that" Ellie said to him

They then finished their samba rehearsal for the day, and switched to the American smooth

"Left shoulder up" Ellie said fixing Josh's frame "gorgeous" she smiled

They ran through half of their American smooth, focusing more on the technique so it was perfect

"Right we'll have a little break then run through it all" Ellie said to her partner

"Ells I'm gonna to and get some dinner, I'll be back in about 20 minutes" josh said

"Okie dokie," Ellie smiled as he walked out the door

"5..6..7..8" my partner janette counted as we rehearsed our rumba, one of the two dances we're doing this week

"Well done Harvey, your doing so well at this" she smiled

"Thanks" I smiled

"Right we can have a break now, I'm gonna go see if i can have a chat with josh and Ellie, come if you want" she replied

"Sure" I said quickly, I mean Ellie is my girlfriend of course I want to talk to her. But they can't know she is

"Hey ellsey" janette said walking into the room

"Hey guys" Ellie replied putting her phone down

"How are you girl, first year on the show and your a semi finalist" janette smiled

"Feel like I'm dreaming honestly, can't believe it" Ellie said back "so Harvey how are you finding learning two dances" Ellie asked

"It's going good, just double the work" I laughed

She smiled back at me, then the door opened

"Hey Bassett" Ellie said smiling

"Hey guys" josh replied sitting next to my girlfriend

"Semi finalist hey" janette smiled at him

"I know" he smiled "and we'll done to you both" he said

"Thanks josh" I replied

"So could we see a dance" janette asked

"Only if we can see one of yours" josh smiled

"Of course! You can see our rumba" she replied

"Josh we'll show our samba" Ellie said getting the music up, god she's gorgeous

Josh and Ellie did their samba for us, that was amazing. Hips are on fire

"Our turn" janette jumped up

Me and Janette performed our slow rumba, and once we'd finished josh and Ellie giving a standing ovation

"Guys that was amazing, a rumba is so hard aswell you smashed it" Ellie smiled

"I want to do a rumba" josh sarcastically sulked

"And I want to marry Jack Grealish, but I guess everything doesn't come true" Ellie sarcastically said back making us all laugh

We sat and talked for a while longer, but Sonia free josh and Janette had left so it was just me and Ellie

"Doing anything tonight?" I asked her

"Gonna facetime my mum and I need to film some dances for the dance school. Along with sim financial bits like the uniform and new members" she replied

"Your so dedicated to your dance school" I smiled

"Well it's come thing I enjoy, and I wouldn't trade it" she smiled

"See you alter Harv" she said pecking my lips and walking out the door

*back to third person*

Ellie was stood outside with her coat on waiting for her Uber to arrive, she was just scrolling on her phone. But when she looked up there was a car, not her Uber but someone else

"get in" the person she knew said sternly

Ellie was scared so got into the car and let them drive. When her phone beeped

Harv💕:let me know your home xx

But Ellie just looked and gulped, when the person driving looked at her

"Give me your phone" he said

"Why" she asked

"Eloise just give me the phone" he said

Ellie handed over the phone and looked out the window

"Where are you taking me callum?"

~Let's dance~HRVY  strictly 2020Where stories live. Discover now