Mafia!Rengoku x Reader

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(Ok so, this one is basically a criminal organisation based oneshot. where you save a young boy from a robber In an alleyway, but his uncle is the crime lord or mafia boss, Rengoku Kyojuro. He is flattered by your resilience and places you on the no-harm list, but he's also taken a liking to you himself...)

It was just another night. Quietly walking down the damp, dimly lit roads where the only illumination is your phone screen and the crappy lampposts that were exceptionally far from each other.
You had missed your train home, but you really weren't in the mood for calling an Uber, not in a time like this.
This is when crimes were thriving. All because of the new criminal organisation that everyone is talking about, more or less, the mafia.

You had always heard about how many feats and things they've done on the news or from family and friends everyday, but you always thought that it would just never happen. Well, you were wrong.

Dead wrong.

Either way, it was dark. And dangerous for a woman like you. Y0u saw headlights of a black car in the corner of your eyes, so you moved to the side of the road to let it pass. As it drove past you, you noticed a familiar symbol tattooed on the car's number plate. You were sure you've seen it somewhere before...
But this was the least of your problems. Right now you just wanted to get home, change into something comfortable and relax on your couch watching a movie with a nice steamy cup of hot chocolate. Was that too much to ask?

Turns out, yes it was. The world just isn't on your side today, because it started to rain. Like, really rain.

You were soaked in an instant, starting to pick up your pace, lifting your jacket over your head and placing your phone tightly in your bag. Your steps and the loud sound of rain clashed together, but something was wrong. You could just feel it... like someone was in trouble, your heart started to race, not knowing what to do.

"Calm down y/n, it's just a hunch, just a small, fake hunch..."

You whispered to yourself, rubbing your hands together, but the feeling didn't go away.

All of a sudden, a child's blood curdling scream rang throughout your ears and the street you were walking on.

What the fuck was that?!

You ran over to the other side of the road, where you believe it came from. That sounded like... a child?!
You picked up to running, panicking while scrambling to find where it came from.

What if their in trouble?! What would I do? How would I save them!?

Suddenly, you came to the opening of a wide, dark and hallowing alley. Metal pipes ran across the side of the graffiti-covered brick walls, but what was in the middle your attention. A tall man in all black, holding a sharp knife, and someone backing away from them, a small boy to be exact. He looked around... 9?!

He was shivering, and wet from the rain.

Your blood ran cold.

You had to do something.

He's be killed if you left him here, so you quickly rummaged around in your bag, bringing out your pepper spray and pocket knife that you always keep on you for self-defence. Who are you kidding, he has a actual knife, and probably trained in killing! But you had to save that boy. At least he has a whole life waiting for him to live. You dropped your bag, running up to the man while he was facing the boy, grabbing ahold of the arm that held the knife. The man immediately noticed you, trying to yank his arm away, but just as your saw an opening, you pressed the trigger on your bottle of pepper spray, making the substance fly into his eyes. He stumbled back in pain, holding his eyes.

In this opening, you immediately grabbed the boys hand and bolted for the street out of the alleyway. Running as fast as you could down the pavement, clutching the boys hand tightly. You eventually came to a small cafe, it wasn't open but it had a cover where no one could see you two. You stopped running, gently letting go of the child's wrist and sitting down, panting and sighing in relief and agony. You suddenly heard little sniffles and tears from in front of you.

You looked up, to see the poor boy clutching himself into a ball, tears running down his face. The both of you were soaked with rain, but you understood him. I mean, how would you feel if you had just just been attacked and almost killed?

You leaned up onto your knees, taking the boy's cold hands into your own, gently lifting them away from his face. He averted his eyes from your gaze, before you suddenly pulled him into a captivating and big hug. He started crying into your shoulder, much more than before. You just patted his back, making sure to make him feel as warm as he could,

"T-thank you..." he sniffled and mumbled into your arm.

You hugged him tighter, whispering words back. "Hey... it's so problem...but it's cold out here. Where are your parents?"

You asked him, while he slowly lifted his face away from your shoulder to look at you. "I- um, I live with my u-uncle.." he rubbed his nose, stuttering. "Hey, hey, that's alright! Do you know his number? Can I call him to pick you up? I can walk you home if you would like as well-"


His sudden outburst surprised you.

"W-well... we can go to the police.."
You wandered off, there was something odd about this boy. You just couldn't tell what.

" y-you should get out of here..."


"I said you s-should go... before my uncle comes.."

You clutched the boy's arms, looking into his eyes.

"Is there something wrong?"

"N-no it's just that-"

But the boy was cut off by a blinding light shining onto you both. He squinted his eyes, and you covered yours, but just enough for you to see what was going on. It was a pair of a car's headlights. Is that guy back?!

But you were surprised to see another man step out of the car. It was a fancy car, a black Mercedes with a certain silver crest on it's hood. The little boy's shivers faded, replaced with a relieved smile. You were very confused. What was happening?
You watched the man step over to the other side of the car, opening the door, as if for someone to get out.

A tall, intimidating man with mid-length multicoloured hair stepped out, he was wearing an expensive grey suit, though you couldn't see his features that well since the headlights of the car he just stepped out of were excessively bright.

But you did see one thing very clear.

The mark on his neck.

That crest... it the same as the one on the hood of the car he just got out of.

You covered your mouth with your hand in utter disbelief, gripping the small child's shoulder, pulling him close to you as if to protect him.

For these strange people that just pulled up in front of you,

The're the mafia.

By now, the lights had dimmed. And you could see the tall figure very clearly.
He had yellow hair with red ends, while his eyes seamed so intimidating yet they could draw you in with a single glance. This... there's no way that their actual leader would've showed up right now, wait, why are they even here?

You mumbled a prayer as you turned your head to look at the boy you had just saved, then back at the tall man.

This is his uncle.

You unhanded the boy and slowly crawled backward, never breaking eye contact with the leader. No sudden moves... this could be where it ends.

This  could be where it ends...


I will write a part two!

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