Dear Husband-Yan!Rengoku x Reader

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Warning: This is Yandere, if you are not comfortable with that particular topic then that's ok too. :) (I Ain't giving spoilers, But there will be Kidnapping, Stalking, Some Deaths, And hella obsessiveness. Maybe i'll make a part two. 


Four years you've been trapped here.

For four, painful years, you have been trapped in the endless dispaired hell hole of a husband's house. The halls seemed hallowing, as if they were drawing you in with every step you took throughout the long Building. you lost all sense of the outside, the only string keeping you from falling into insanity was the one window in a secluded room that led to the great outside.

The outside you hadn't been able to feel in years. 

The floors and ceilings became usual, you were even able to recognize what room you woke up in just by the roof of the room.  Of course, everyday you would wake up in a new room, since your Dear husband always moved you around while you were sleeping. Or while, he drugged you to sleep. Your nightmares were too much to handle, of what he's done in the past has truly traumatized you into fear that one day what he did to your family members, will happen to you. 

Four years ago, you were living your dream life, happily and free. Sure, you lived in poverty, but your now deceased ex husband worked hard to provide for you and your child. Life was not easy, but it was the most you could've ever wanted. living with your lovely daughter and your loving husband, You were happy. but that Happiness didn't last. For in the dead of the night, He struck his chance. 

you were asleep with your daughter lying next to you. Her beautiful Black hair was just like her father's. she was 4 at the time. The room was dark, and the moon was shining brightly outside the walls of your home. 

That was when you heard it.

A sudden scream, Coming straight from the room beside you. The kitchen. You sat straight up, Anxiety filling your stomach. The shriek was loud, so you daughter slowly got up after you. A tear shed from her eye, Clinging onto your arm in fear as she had just heard a loud sound. 

"Mommy... What was that?" She trembled, Squeezing you even tighter. 

Your stomach churning, You knew it was your husband That let out that scream. 

"Don't worry baby... I'm going to go and see what's going on. okay?"

your whispered to your child, who was shaking. 

you slowly got up, when your daughter yanked your arm from back on the floor.

"Don't leave me!"

she whisper yelled, tears now streaming from her face. you can understand how she would scared of what was happening, for she too could recognize that it was her father's voice.

you slowly slid your arm around her back, Hoisting her up into your arms, as you lifted her up. Now standing up, you gently and quietly walked toward the shoji door. Your hand hesitated before gripping the slit in the door, You opened the door.

Immediately covering your daughters eyes to protect her from what was behind.

Face to face with the man that had been stalking you and your family since you got married. you firmly held you daughter, the other hand holding her head against you shoulder so that she couldn't see what was going on.

His stoic facial expression was boring into your soul, almost like he was furious at you. The bloody katana he held in his right hand pointing at the floor as the moon reflected off of his face. Red and yellow locks around his shoulders, disheveled from his murderous actions. 

"Why are you shaking?" 

you stiffened on the spot, His voice was cold, Low. almost like a serious growl. His tone was resonate and utterly terrifying.

His head Looks to your right slightly, he was now facing your daughter that was curdled into a ball facing your shoulder.

You watched in overwhelming anxiety as his eyes narrowed upon laying eyes on your child. 

"Do you really still care for that thing?" 

he asked coldly. Your heart was hammering against your chest, everything was telling you to take your daughter and run as far away as possible.

  He was going to hurt her. You could tell that he wanted to hurt your baby. 

"who are you?!" 

you screamed, wrapping your arm to protect your kid tightly. 

"don't tell me you don't recognize me..."

He grinned slightly, you saw his eyes turn from stoic to some sort of delusional emotion...

"YOU DON'T REMEMBER WHO I AM?" He shouted harshly, grabbing the fabric of your clothes and yanking you forward, making you let out a loud gasp. You were now face to face with him, But he was letting of the biggest psychopathic smile. 


"my love~" Rengoku chimed while opening the shoji door slightly, interrupting you from your recap thoughts. 

You looked up with a bland emotion on your face, you were able to see the corner of your 'husband's' wide grin falter just for a second. Your daughter was 8 now, and was able to do things by herself, But Rengoku wanted something different. He wanted to feel like he was the father of your child, and treated her like a small baby in so many ways.

you of course, knew that he was nowhere close to even in the slightest way, resembling your deceased ex-husband and the real father of your baby. However, she was too young to deny Kyojuro's lies about how her father didn't love her and how he had saved her from being raised in a terrible Environment, Even you believed it when you first woke up from being drugged so many times.  

 He'd treat you like some porcelain doll that would brake at just the touch of a fingertip. Dressing you up in the most expensive silks, giving you everything you've ever wanted. But there are rules.

You are not allowed to leave the mansion under no circumstances. if he catches you trying to escape, well... there will be severe consequences. You are not allowed to deny him.  No suprise to you, he HATES being told no. especially by you. He expects a kiss and a 'welcome home' every time he comes home after a day. you don't have to cook, nor clean. his servants do that. They are not allowed to talk to you. 

You are not allowed to do basically everything, In his mind he is your entertainment.  Maybe he's scared your going to get hurt.

Yeah, hurt over touching a wall? sure.

But no matter how hard you try, not matter how much you think, you will NEVER be able to escape his grasp. all inklings of hope have been washed away long ago, you were just too Immature to admit it.  All of the punishments he'd give you, all of his fantasies he'd rant to you, after so much endurance of much more, you could basically sense when something was coming. 

What was he going to do to you?


Sorry to end this chapter on such a short note.  I'm really feeling the pressure right now TwT.

I still have a bunch of part 2's to do, and i swear i will get to them. in the mean time, Stay safe my lovelies!

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