His perfect being-Muzan x Dead! Reader

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i don't know if i did this right, does it kinda goes with the angst vibe i'm trying to emit in this one? It's pretty short, be warned.
Warning: Most of this is his pov. Loss, death, grief
His pale fingers gently touched the crumpled paper that had been held in his hands so many times before. A overwhelming but regular wave of guilt and grief washed over the demon lord. His fingers touched your paper cheeks, while your face was so small in the black and grey photo. He still cannot get over how your hair framed your face perfectly, and your eyes still glimmer like diamonds even in no colour. And your smile. Oh how Muzan missed your smile. When you'd laugh, it seems that no matter how valuable or beautiful, nothing could compare. His love for you was undying, like an immortal fire. He had always hidden his absolute terror over the night it happened, seeming it would make him look weak. But deep down, it was haunting him everyday. The fear over how he couldn't protect you, how he didn't turn you into a demon while he could.

You could've lived...

He could've saved you...

He could'nt protect you.

He was only a young demon when it happened, he couldn't fully understand handle his powers yet.

But that didn't stop his overwhelming feelings of guilt from taking over him when your life was tragically cut short. The way your lifeless cheeks held dried tear stains as they seemed to weep for help in their final moments, The way some of the blood running down your arms and pooling on the floor beside you was still warm, since he was only able to locate you just as you were left to die on the cold, hard gravel ground in the dark and smelly alleyway behind a bar.

A bar that harbored murderers, your murderers.

His heart still aches just thinking about you. smiling, living, breathing... alive...

but that was a very long time ago. So long that Muzan decided that to move on, he would become the perfect being in your honor. He stopped visiting your gravestone, halted all thoughts about you in any way. if he was to be everlasting, he needed to forget you. He loved you with his whole being. And you just go and take yourself away, never to return, leaving Muzan in darkness and despair for so many years.

You are the reason he is who he is.

His heart is ice. he shows no mercy, and grieves no death. Not after you. never again shall he ever feel love, he promised you that the very last time he was standing in front of the cold stone slate with your name carved carefully into it. Never again shall Muzan show any remorse or care for any living being, you have strummed the strings of his heart too hard that they have broken.

Even to this day, no matter how many times he blocks his emotions out, he always eventually drifts back to the painful memories of you. You were his everlasting, his love,

You were his perfect being.


Word count: 520

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