Encounter-Akaza x reader

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Hello readers! happy new year to all of you. yes, i know it's almost the end of February BUT, COMPENSATION FOR YOU AMAZING PEOPLE IS NEEDED! i don't think i've done enough love for Akaza, so here we go again 🙃

Your legs felt they were about to collapse, shaking and cold you held yourself tightly. "Oh come on, sis. it's not even that cold!" Your brother mocked you, adjusting his hat slightly. It was very early in the morning, the sun hadn't even started to rise yet. The air was crisp, and walking all the way up a mountain by just some cracked stairs was not helping. The trees that surrounded you two was bent over the old pathway, Making the only source of light the rusty lantern that swung in your brother's hands. 

"Brother please, can we take a break? we've been walking up this mountain since 2am!"

you whined at him, the large woven basket on your back was killing you emotionally. 

"My god, will you stop whining for once? There's supposed to be a village at the summit, I'm sure they will let us rest there."

you sighed loudly, stopping in your tracks to catch a breather.

-Time skip-

"well, we don't see many young people around here often! please, make yourselves at home." the kind old woman chuckled, before opening the village doors to a very well-kept courtyard. while the village was very small, it was charming. with vines of beautiful vibrant flowers growing in the cracks of the stone pillars to houses, baskets of fresh fruit and other vegetables lay on the ground, along with many other peaceful things. The people in the village all seemed quite old, or the youngest were small children probably raised by their grandparents.

"Oh? what's this? travellers perhaps?" another older woman approached you, but she was tall and able to stand up right. "indeed. we must thank you for letting My sister and i into your home with open arms, we have been climbing this mountain since very early this morning." your brother cheerfully said back, chuckling lightly.

the sun was going to set soon, you had never expected when your brother said that you'd be there soon, it would take a whole another 9 hours. either way, you were absolutely exhausted. You felt like you could fall asleep on the spot right then and there.

Just as the tall woman was about to ask you a question, You heard a Grumpy 'Bah!' from your left. you all turned your heads, to see a short old man with a walking stick and a daggy yukata limping slowly toward you. 

"yous young folk better watch your back travelling at night! you could've encountered a.... a...."

he lost his words for a second as his head bobbed down, before the bark of a dog standing next to him woke him up from sleeping on the spot.

Oh to be able to do that.

He snorted as he lifted his face to face you again, your brother shared a confused look with the tall lady, who held her head in her hands.

"If you'll excuse us, we'd better get some rest-"

"A demon!"

the old man cut your brother off, remembering exactly what he said. except, this time the old man had a sour look on his face. the tension suddenly grew heavy. You almost found it hard to breathe, before you noticed the man staring right into your eyes as he stood there having said his line. you realised he was talking to you. 

"Demons?" you muttered, shaking slighty, past memories of more and more people saying things about these demons to you and your brother flooded your head. 

"don't worry, sister. how many times have i had to tell you that demons are not real? it's just old people, you know" your brother muttered to you, making sure that no one else but him and you could hear what he was saying. 

you nodded your head slighty, before Your older brother wrapped an arm around your neck, and smiling happily at the old man. 

"thank for warning us sir, we promise to be more careful in the future!" he bowed, before picking up his load of baggage and walking off with you. 

-Time skip-

As you layed on the soft futon, your mind wondered off on all of things you and your brother did that day. however, your thoughts suddenly shifted onto what the old man had said. he was staring right at you when he said like it was some kind of warning to you mostly...

you slightly shaked your head and quietly agreed with what your brother had said to you. demons are not real, they are only fictional beings that old people come up with to scare you into behaving. you chuckle a little, when you hear your brother's loud snore Interupt your deep thinking. the only light in the room was candlelight, it was almost completely dark outside. 


your senses suddenly sharpened, apon hearing a strange sound outside the window of the room you and your sibling were staying in.

think nothing of it.... think nothing of it.... it's just a cat or one of the dogs.

thats what you told yourself. but, thats is sadly NOT what was happening on the other side of that wall. 

For a certain pink haired boy was looking for something, or someone that he believed belonged to him.  

his pale complexion and mesmorising yellow and blue eyes were shining brightly in the gaze of the moonlight, her scent was as sweet as a rose in full bloom, anyone would be attracted to her. He turned himself toward the small inn, where he already knew that who he desired would be laying sound asleep inside. 

however, there was one small, small problem.

Her brother.

But not to worry, He was already caged. 

A small chuckle left Akaza's throat, his mind could just imagine y/n tied up infront of him, struggling as she tried helplessly to get out of his inescapable grasp. of course, she could do nothing, her kicks and punches would not affect the demon at all. nor would it made him let her go, she was his forever. 

He had already had it all planned out, he was going to use Muzan Kibutsuji's blood that ran throughout Akaza's body to turn Her into a demon, then she should live with him for the rest of eternity. 

her brother, the pest, can just die already. he's the reason why he's fed y/n all of those horrible lies, making her believe such insolence. He already knew that demons were real in the first place. their family was killed by demons, but he shielded it from her and told his sister that they wanted them both to move out.

y/n was so gulible back then, she believed every word.

But now, Ever since Akaza had first layed eyes on her, He felt as if he wanted to murder everyone on earth for her. bid to her every wish. But at the same time, he wanted to keep her locked up, he wanted to keep her by his side and not let her leave until the day the world fell. 

how ironic. an upper moon demon, falling for a mere human girl.  














Alright i'm done.


Hope you enjoyed😏

Word count: 1217

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