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After telling me where he was; I thanked Frida for the comfort and advice she gave me before telling her that I was on my way to sort some shit out with this bi-polar idiot who sounded drunk over the phone.

"If he's wasting my time, I am seriously going to kill him."

He said he wasn't far from our house when he called.

As the ocean view disappeared and the mountain where our house was situated came into view, I started to speed a little because despite him being the ass-hole he is... he was making me worry.

Hayden ignoring me, Dean leaving suddenly and every other problem that I was dealing with... all melted away as Ryler's worse case scenario filled my head with unwanted thoughts.

I came to a halt nearly two minutes before the mansion as I noticed a small crowd surrounding something as if a murder case was before them. There were reporters and people with cameras all talking loudly and snapping shots at whatever situation occurred.

My heart leaped at the thought of Ryler accidentally killing someone or even doing something that'll put him in jail for the rest of his life.

I hopped out of the car and ran towards the crowd immediately.

After pushing and shoving past all of those people to get to the front of the accident, I noticed the sports car that belonged to Ryler.

It was smashed against one of the oak trees on the side of the road. Smashed to the point where the front half of the car was compressed together beyond repair which made me panic.

"Ryler?!" I called out and pushed through the cameramen and reporters that stepped in front of me.

As if he heard me over all the people's chatter and camera snapping; he answered. "Ayla!"

When I was finally at the front of the massive and crowded circle, there he was...  sitting on the tar sealed road, leaning on the back half of the car where it was undamaged.

And just like he said... he indeed had blood gushing from his head.

I scoffed at the crowd. Not a single person helping him. How pathetic.

"Hey! Excuse me?! Who do you think you are, cutting in front of people?!" A reporter yelled at me, making me turn to her with a death glare.

I decided to ignore her and focus on the situation beforehand.

"Ryler, what the hell happened?" I asked him in both astonishment and anger as I crouched to his level and checked to see if he had broken a bone.

He started smiling like a lunatic. "Ayla- baby... where have you been?"

Him saying this to me sent the crowd into a gossiped frenzy.

"He called her baby?"

"A girlfriend perhaps?"

"Who is this girl?"

"They seem to be close."

These questions flew like wild geese from reporter to reporter and cameraman to camerawoman. But I couldn't care less about them because the only person I was focusing on, was the drunken idiot who looked like getting injured everyday was as normal as taking a stroll on a bright sunny day.

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