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The sound of my phone ringing woke me up. I couldn't feel my face as I popped an eye open to search for my phone hazily.

"Hello?" I answered groggily without checking the caller ID.

"Ms. Ayla, did you just wake up?" Fayne's voice spoke cheerfully over the phone.


"I'm sure." She replied sarcastically. "Anyway, I called to notify you of the photoshoot. I hope you didn't drink too much at that frat house party two nights ago. I did say to get drunk but let's worry about your weight for now, hun."

"Mmm." I mumbled as I slowly drifted off.

"Wakey wakey, Ms. Ayla!" She yelled, making me startled. "Tomorrow after school, at 5:00pm. Meet me at the agency."

"Mmm. Okay."

I could imagine her rolling her eyes. "I'm guessing you either stayed up last night watching movies or- never mind. You're always watching those cartoons you've been into since you were-"

"Anime." My eyes were suddenly wide open.

"I beg your pardon?"

"They're not cartoons... it's called anime."

"Seeing as you're fully awake now, I suppose I don't need to repeat myself. I'll see you tomorrow, Ms. Ayla." She hung up before I could protest and correct her any further.

It was a Sunday morning and I had no plans. I was bored out of my mind and sleepy as hell. Fayne was right about one thing, I stayed up late last night watching anime.

Dean dropped me off yesterday after taking Ryler's dry cleaning and ate takeouts with me before leaving for an errand.

As I was very slowly drifting back off to sleep, my phone started ringing again. So many calls and it isn't even past 9am!

I took it as some sign to get out of bed, so as frustrated as I was, I threw my blankets off me and answered my phone with a sleepy glare.


"Ayla, hey!"

My brow raised in confusion as I sat up in bed. "Norris? What's wrong?"

"What the hey-hey, Ayla? Just because I call you doesn't mean something's wrong. I can call my friend if I want to, okay?"


"Back to why, I called. Uh-this is totally up to you but, mom wants to have you over for lunch today. She's even already baked the donuts since the bakery's closed on, Sundays. Regina and Chuck will be here too." He said hopefully. "So, you in or nah?"

It took my brain a moment to process what he just said since I was still half asleep.

"Yeah sure! What time?"

Norris laughed over the phone. "And that is what someone who has absolutely no plans for the day, sounds like."

"Shut up, Norris."

"Lunch is at 1pm. Don't be late."

"Do you want me to bring anything? I make killer pasta?"

"Hmm- mom would love a bottle of Pinot Noir, Babich. It's her favourite red wine."

I nodded in understanding. "I'll buy a bottle or two on my way."

"Thanks. See you soon."

I disconnected my phone from its charger and placed it back on the nightstand as I finally got out of bed to get dressed.

I threw on a sundress and put my hair up into a bun after having a shower. The day felt a little more peaceful than the others. I guess it's that Sunday vibe of relaxation.

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