ch. 2

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The two sat in dubious silence, finding themselves on an outside table at Dream's favorite cafe, who after getting over the stupefied shock of hearing what George said, pulled him over to get some sort of explanation for all this.

But, it was difficult to know where to even begin. Soulmates or not, they were still strangers, especially with the situation seeming like George already had one.

"Okay, but, you just saw color for the first time, right? I know you were seeing the same as me, so how could you have already met your soulmate? That doesn't make sense," Dream pressed, eager to get this surely unimportant matter of George having a soulmate out of the way and onto more important things, them.

"Well," George began nervously, not knowing how he should handle this situation he'd been suddenly presented with, "It's more complicated than that."

Dream gestured for him to continue, ready to listen.

George blew out a shaky breath, as he was still trying to comprehend and piece together what happened as well. It wasn't like he had any insight on what this all meant. "I have seen color before, when I met my, uh, other soulmate. But, everything is in full color now, somehow."

Dream looked confused, urging the other to continue.

George went on, "Like, after being able to see what I do now, I realize I could only really see the color blue before, as if I was colorblind. Most of the other's were all mixed together, like yellow and green looked the same. But, now... I can see every single color I never even knew existed."

It was all so distinct now, George began to comprehend, eyes flickering around at the world that looked so different in this totally new view.

There was so much more he missed out on, hues that all blurred together previously were now stark, pulling out from the scenery, George trying to absorb the unseen colors.


That's the color George is most taken away by, because it's the most prominent one on Dream. His bright green eyes shine in the light, almost making George get lost in them. How it was possible so many different shades could fill such a space as an iris, George didn't know.

The green shirt Dream had on was this enchanting sage, drawing George in, coaxing him to just brush his fingers across the sleeve, surely it was made of something other than just plain fabric, seeming like it was stitched out of the plant itself, weaved together to create a soft sage temptation.

Dream's dirty blonde hair looked so fluffy and smooth, just begging you to run your hands through it. Every single strand was in this ultra HD view, glowing as the sun shone through it.
His smile was so warm, so inviting and kind, it took George's breath away.

He needed to get back on track.

"So, you said you're Dream, right? That's kind of an odd name."

"That's just what I usually go by, but my real name is Clay. Whatever you prefer to call me is more than fine with me, of course," Dream replied, hand resting on his chin, still enthralled by how stunning George was. He was attempting to put on all his charms, flirt his way into this man's heart.

George shifted slightly, "Dream is good." It would be best to keep this as impersonal as possible, as he still had his other soulmate at home, George couldn't get carried away by this new development, no matter what this Dream guy said or did.

"Well, now you found me, your true soulmate. So, you can ditch that other one," Dream murmured, waving his hand dismissively. Maybe George would come to his senses and go for the obvious choice, Dream.

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