ch. 6

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George set the plant down onto the windowsill, the soft clink of ceramic against tile gave an air of finality, of being in the proper place. He hoped the light level would be right, glancing down at the lined paper in his hand.

George couldn't help the small smile that formed as he thumbed over the scribbly writing. It was hurried, yet intentional. The strokes portrayed someone who thought fast, and whose actions often followed suit. It was endearing, telling.

It was Dream.

George let out a shaky sigh, tucking the small page into his wallet. Over the years, that paper would become worn, edges curled and writing faded by the amount of times George would take it out and read it, reread it sometimes until he couldn't bear to look at it anymore.

He looked carefully at the pin that was pinched in between his fingers. George knew why Dream gave this to him. Everything with them always had this weight behind it, some other deeper meaning that had something to do with all their fate and destiny together.

George tried to ignore that whole thing, but the universe was stubborn to remind him, pushing him sharply into Dream at times.

Like earlier today.

The memory persisted in his mind, like he wasn't allowed to forget.

George had made a small, mostly joking, comment about being hungry and Dream had immediately gone into what can only be described as Chef Mode.

The sheepish look on Dream's face when he proudly opened up his fridge on full display, which only showed that it was nearly empty, made George fall into a fit of laughter.

Dream pouted, and now with something to prove, got to work on a fine meal made from scraps of ingredients that somehow did create something edible.

George had to admit he was impressed, a fact he tried to deny until Dream pulled it out of him. He didn't acknowledge the blush across either of their faces after the exchange, but George's gaze definitely lingered on the devastatingly soft smile across Dream's lips.

George had playfully pushed Dream away in order to gain back some control, which inevitably led Dream to shove him in retaliation, going in far too strongly than what was necessary, causing George to start to fall from the stool.

Dream realized his mistake as he saw the look of genuine fear cross over George's features as he slipped from his seat. He reached out and grabbed George up, pulling him forward hard until they were facing each other far closer than either of them expected.

Something held them in that moment, insisting vehemently that they draw closer, press together until there was no space left between them.

The color around them increased in saturation, blooming in vibrancy as their eyes held, George lost in the new colors swimming in Dream's eyes, ones he swore weren't there before.

He felt himself sway towards Dream, his heart and soul screaming to follow this path, follow through on what he was supposed to do, what this moment created.

When Dream glanced down, George pulled away sharply, his heart racing, his fuzzy mind clearing.

George knew they were soulmates, he knew he was supposed to be with Dream.

But, that didn't mean they could be together. George chose Sapnap, and he would always choose him, no matter what. He was firm in this decision, the one he made the first time he ever talked to Dream.

Nothing between him and Dream had to be romantic, they were just two people made for each other in every single indisputable way, and they could stay friends.

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