ch. 8

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The message appeared on the top of his screen, a grin springing on Dream's face. Before he had a chance to respond, sliding his phone down under the desk he sat at, covertly trying to answer while his professor wasn't looking, another text came in.

/I'm bored. There's nothing to do helpppp/

Dream chuckled to himself. He quickly typed his reply, the lecture falling onto his deaf ears, letting himself succumb to the entrancement that was George.

/The day barely started, how are you bored? Don't you have a job or something?/

The three dot bubble popped up immediately, Dream leaning back slightly in his chair, glancing at the time and willing for it to go faster, for this long class to end sooner.

/I'm off today. And don't act dumb, you probably know my schedule better than I do/

/I actually set your schedule, didn't you know that?/, Dream sent, always enjoying their banter.

He could imagine the look on George's face, right now, reading that. He'd probably shake his head in soft consternation, his laughter breathy and amused. His smile set like it never left that place, Dream utterly melting at just the thought.

George typed back while Dream was lost in his thoughts. /Yeah, right. You'd line it up with your schedule far more than it is currently. And, you still haven't fixed my boredom. Get on with that/

/Of course, my deepest apologies. Well, I'm out of class in about an hour. You can come over or we can meet up somewhere?/

Dream's head snapped up when the computer he was supposed to be following along with the class work turned off from lack of use. He sheepishly slid the mouse aggressively to turn it back on, his eyes flitting up to the board, filled with all the notes and instructions he was missing.

He sighed softly. He swore he used to be such a good student.

Dream turned back to what he had dubbed at the highest priority, George's texts, reading over the next message.

/Ughhh. So much work. Your apartment is like a whole 15 minute walk, I don't want to do that/

Dream sent his rapid response, /Such a crybaby. Get a bike or an electric scooter or something/

/Buy it for me then/

Dream rolled his eyes. /As much as I would love to see you, a whole grown man, riding around town on a scooter, I'll have to pass this time/


/That is a pretty convincing argument, I'll admit/, Dream chuckled silently.

The next message took longer for George to send than the rest of their quick back and forth conversation. The typing bubble started and stopped, Dream wondering if George was writing a whole novel or something.

Instead, it was this text, one that made Dream's heart stop in his chest.

/Why don't you come over to my house for a change/

Dream's whole body stopped, eyes scanning the offer over and over again, it completely took him off guard, so unexpected but so anticipated.

George hurried to send more to fill the lack of response from Dream when the message sat as read for a little longer than the other liked.

/Only if you want to, obviously. We can do something else, you know, but I thought you would like to come over, but that's fine if not the case/

George, of course, couldn't see the dazed smile that was taking over Dream's face, his pulse drumming in his veins, head all fuzzy.

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