ch. 4

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A few more weeks passed, Dream and George smoothly transitioning from the nervous cautiousness they started with to the warm comfort of a budding friendship.

Gazes filled with softness, smiles brimming on their faces at almost every word they exchanged with each other.

Dream was again locked in a friends but felt like it should be so much more situation.

Was he cursed to only have a one-sided love with unreciprocated feelings?

But, he could clearly see the effect he naturally had on George, how his shoulders would gently lean towards him when they sat together on a bench, feeding the ducks at the park.

Dream remembered fondly over that outing, just a few days ago, feeling so far away, like it wasn't really real, too good to have been able to experience.

George really liked the ducks, getting closer to them than anyone else Dream had ever seen without getting attacked.

His very presence brought calm and serenity. Though, Dream was beginning to find out that George was secretly bursting with chaos and mischievousness.

As George warmed up to Dream, he would render the other speechless with teasing words, things being said out of nowhere that made Dream so curious to understand George's thought process.

It didn't take long for Dream to get over his shock at George's jokes, his carefulness around him fading, joining into the banter they created.

Dream swore he never laughed as hard as he did when he was with George.

It was like they were made for each other. Well, they were soulmates, so that would make sense.

Everything about them was so easy, fitting into each other's lives perfectly, they didn't really have to try. No force needed.

At this point in time, they met about twice a week, George only allowing himself to see Dream when Sapnap was away, making sure he wasn't using the time they should be together with Dream instead.

Today, they were going to a festival.

The tickets were actually ones George bought for him and Sapnap, trying to reconcile his lingering guilt about seeing Dream in secret, but the other at the last minute had to cancel.

Sapnap was forlorn, he loved any carnival or festival, ecstatic when George showed him the tickets.

But, he urged George to still go, even when Sapnap couldn't join him.

So, Dream was the next obvious contender, though George was hesitant to ask, especially since this was originally for Sapnap.

It felt a little on the nose, George going to Sapnap first and it somehow leading him over to Dream instead, the second choice.

Though Dream was more than happy to go, he felt so many mixed emotions at the fact the ticket wasn't intended for him.

Being the second choice didn't particularly bother him, but it still hurt at times.

He couldn't be completely stoic at the fact he felt like George's mistress. He tried to keep that word out of his head, not wanting that to define what they had together, but Dream couldn't always stop the nagging feeling that's all he'll ever be.

But, none of that seemed to matter when Dream saw George's face light up as they stepped on the festival grounds, neon signs blinking bright against the evening sky, the smell of sweets floating into the air, and the jovial sound of laughter all created an ambiance of excitement. It was just a small, traveling carnival, not even in the same league as Disney World.

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