ch. 3

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George tugged on his shirt collar, wanting the nervous warmth that was clinging on his skin to dissipate, to feel the cool calm of ease wash over him.

His neck was pricking with heated anxiety, not knowing how much doing this was falling into a morally grey area.

He couldn't bring himself to tell Sapnap. George was sure it would only dredge up more questions, ones he didn't know the answer to. Of how would George proceed in this situation? Would there need to be staked an ultimatum, him being forced to make the impossible decision of choosing between these two believed soulmates?

It would be better to put off that for as long as possible, George determined to gain more insight first, not wanting to rush and lose out of what he could have.

Maybe it was selfish to entertain both, but he wasn't stepping out on Sapnap or anything, George was keeping Dream firmly in the friendzone.

It was all justified, and besides, soulmates didn't necessarily have to be romantic anyway.

So, George stepped out of his door, kissing Sapnap goodbye to go and meet Dream.. in secret.

It's fine. He swears.

When Dream received the text from George, that he was reaching out to ask for them to meet up, him, his soulmate making the move first, made Dream burst with hope.

Surely George was quickly forgetting about his previous soulmate, going to put that guy in the past if he was already looking outwards, towards Dream.

He got ready that day, checking the time every five minutes, picking out a shirt of deep blue, since he hoped George would like it.

There was only happiness filling Dream up, right to the brim. Seeing George made his life covered in color, literally and metaphorically.

He smiled softly as he flicked off his room light, seeing the sunshine gently cascade over the plant in the mug George gave to him.

Dream already wanted more things, getting greedy to fill up his space with anything that the other could give to him, items Dream could look at and immediately recall a memory of George, especially since they didn't get to see much of each other.

He sighed, closing the door, going off to meet George for what he considered their date, even though George said it was just a casual meet up, telling Dream not to get any ideas.

But, who could blame him? Dream was losing himself in this blossoming relationship, envisioning the romance they would share, he was hopelessly in love.

Yes, it was too soon. But, that didn't really matter in this world controlled by fate and destiny.

Dream was young, an actress to the performance he had to make in this life, the part he was more than happy to play.

As long as he could have his soulmate, in any capacity, it would be enough.

Dream walked over the cobblestone pavement, trying not to rush, already being early as it was, too impatient to wait for the set time.

It had been a couple weeks since he'd seen George, when they first met.

They talked over text, all lighthearted and casual. Dream tried not to barrage George with questions, but some slipped through the cracks.

He wrote down every detail George would divulge about himself, Dream desperate not to forget a single thing, eager to learn everything he could.

What he found out so far was that George was in coding, very similar to what Dream was interested in career wise. That only confirmed to him that they were made for each other even more so.

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